
My Man's Best Friend

I was pleased to hear today that my husband has been able to read my blog almost every day! At his sweet request, I agreed to post on our favorite pet ever, Patches.

We bought Patches from a breeder in California (while we were living out there) who also ran a horse rescue farm. We had done our research online as to what breed we wanted, we were both in quick agreement that we wanted an Austrailian Shepherd, which are known for their faithfulness and high activity level (one thing my hubby wanted), as they are farm dogs/sheep hearders by nature. We happened to find the breeder in the newspaper and she was not even 10 minutes away from base, where we were living in on-base housing.

We went that night and about 30 minutes later, we had our puppy. He was the only one left in his color (which is called Blue Merle) and we immediately fell in love. Like with all puppies, adjustment took a few days. The first night, he had to sleep with Jason's clothes because they had the scent of his siblings still on them from where we played with all of the puppies. The next day, after Jason headed off to work/school, I took little Patches out to pee, ate breakfast and fed him, and went up and got in the shower, taking him with me since he was still so new and little. Oh my, what I didn't expect is for him to cry and moan and whine the second that the shower curtain closed! I was trying to hurry so that he would stop crying, but as I was washing my hair, I heard the wimpering stop. I look down to see my precious puppy sitting in the tub right at my feet with his eyes closed to keep the water out, but just as happy as he could be that I was back in his presence. It was like that from then on, always wanting to be right by our side. He did eventually stop taking showers with me, but everytime one of us got a shower, he had to be lying right outside the tub.
He learned fast. I knew Aussies were smart, but my goodness! He was house trained within the first week! He learned how to shake hands, sit, lay down, roll over and play dead, speak on two different commands, stand, wait patiently for the treat that we would lay on his paw, and he would even push me from behind to make people laugh. We even taught him how to bring items to us. For example, if I was upstairs and Jason was downstairs and I needed my phone from down there, he'd give it to Patches and tell him to go find "momma" and within a few seconds, I'd have my phone. We were working on the military low crawl with him when we left California. He loved it out there, so much land and so many open spaces for him to run. He even went rock climbing with us one weekend, and was better at it than me! Jason would play frisbee with him in the field at the end of our street for hours, just running and running. In the desert of California, it gets HOT during the day, close to 120, but the evenings and nights were so nice. We'd take him on walks almost every night. If there was any way to take him to wherever we were going, we would. He LOVED the car and loved to ride. Any time we let him out the front door, he'd run to the car door and wait. He even rode across country from California to NC and loved every second. He had become part of our little family.
On the long car trip home from California...
I say these things in the past tense because we no longer have our sweet Patches.
A cruel someone took him from us, we don't know who, we don't know why, but they did. He was stolen and we never found him. We haven't since gotten another dog. It was very hard for both of us because we just loved Patches so much. All we can hope for is that he is ok and that whoever went to the trouble of taking him treats him well.
We plan on finally getting another dog soon. Both of us have grown up with dogs as pets and can't stand not having one around. Once Jason gets back, we are going to get another Aussie puppy. We are stuck on the breed, Patches spoiled us to his good nature and peppy spirit. We already have a breeder picked out who is helping us by trying to have a litter around the time of his return. She has even promised us first pick and a discount to show her appreciation for Jason serving our country. We will again get a little blue merle boy. His name...Taz.


  1. I can't wait to see this new puppy! Taz, huh? Hope he does NOT live up to his name. (HeeHee)

  2. ok so now i want one too... can you get me a discount??

  3. i loved patches so much, but i'm sure taz (new puppy) will be just as smart. talk to you soon
    love you babe

  4. Aww, such cute puppy pictures! Thank you -- both you and Jason -- for sharing the life of a soldiers. You two are in my prayers. God bless you both.

    Karen C

  5. Very neat post. Such a sad story that he was taken.

    Oh, changing the header is not for wimps let me tell you. Your mom says it is drag and drop for her, but not for me. I had to re-do the HTML to get the header in there, and to get the words to be inside the header. But now that I know how it is not so bad. Here is something that may help if you are into trying http://www.bloggingbasics101.com/
    You can go all over that site and find things you need. Good luck!

  6. What cute pictures and such a sad story that someone would take him. I don't even like pets, but I think I want a dog like that.

  7. Oh, what a beautiful dog!! It's so hard losing a pet like that and wondering what happened to him. I know it will be so much fun getting your new little pup!

  8. That is so sad about your dog-but so awesome that you got a chance to have him for awhile. I love horses and dogs, so I understand the attachment. I can't wait to see pics of the new dog!

  9. Oh, what a sweetie and what a very sad thing to have had your beloved dog stolen. :(
    Our pup, Mandy, was similar in that she was housebroken in a week and has learned tricks to quickly, too. But she can be pretty wild if she doesn't get her energy out! (She's five months).
    But how wonderful that you are getting a new puppy! I'm sure he will find his own place in your hearts! :)

  10. Oh, such sweet pictures and how awful that someone would steal your dog!!
    I'm glad to hear you will be getting a new puppy once Jason comes back!

  11. That is the sweetest story, but it just breaks my heart that someone would steal another's pet....
