
It was time for another dreaded haircut!!!

So, a quick background on my nephew and haircuts...he hates them. More than anything, he hates them. Somehow, my lovely sister started recruiting me to do his haircuts. She says that I did just as good of a job as the ladies at our local hair studio, and that I don't charge! But with Austin, I didn't think anybody could do his hair justice, he just won't allow it.

When we try to cut it the normal way, you know, with scissors, he absolutely freaks out. I don't know if it is the sound of his hair being cut or what, but he screams, and screams loud. Big alligator tears fall freely, and ultimately leaves Aunt Tee-Tee (as I've been fondly renamed) feeling horrible.

So, on Friday morning, Ashley decided it was "that time" again. He needed another haircut. (Big sigh from Aunt Tee-Tee) Well, this time, we decided to go get hair clippers, maybe that wouldn't be so bad? We got him used to the buzzing noise and thought that he might just think we were brushing his hair, since we put one of the guards on it. Well, as soon as I put those clippers next to his head, he realized our plan. He started blocking me with his arm, balling up his fists, screaming and shaking!!! I've never seen this little fella so angry! Well, at that point, Ashley knew I needed reinforcements, so she held his little flailing arms and steadied his head that he kept trying to shake back and forth. Funny how moms seem to be able to grow extra arms when needed:) We buzzed his head with a hair guard so it wouldn't be too short, but at the same time we could get it even all over. 30 minutes and 4 Advil later, it was complete and he looks precious. Needless to say, I was NOT his favorite person for the rest of the day, but by Saturday, all was forgotten and he loved me again.

Pictures taken with me before most recent haircut (when I was still one of his favorite people):

Pictures taken after said haircut (when he wasn't so pleased with me):

Looks like the events of the day wore him out a little, huh? They wore me out too! Who knew giving a haircut could be so tiring! But, all is well in Austin's world again, that is until next time.


  1. So cute. I love his new haircut, you did a wondermous job. He looks like a lil man now. Thank you again. And we will do it again in a month :) Since you are so fond of it.

  2. Hey Christie,
    I love the picture of the kiss! So sweet!

    I cut my husband's hair. It comes around all too often! I take Luke to get his hair cut though. I was never very good at cutting his! Plus, we have this little hair studio that has an airplane and a firetruck for kids to sit in and then they put a movie on a big screen in front of him. He LOVES it and doesn't want to leave! However, I think most little boys are just like Austin. I wonder why they are so afraid? The only place Luke didn't like was the barber shop with a man. He likes the ladies, lol.

    Great job on the hair cut!!

  3. Yep, it was big fun! You noticed I stayed outta there???
    He's a cutie!

  4. Awww..what a cutie!! You did a great job!

  5. He is so cute!! What wonderful practice for you LOL. You sound like you are a wonderful aunt, he is lucky to have his extended family close by!

    By the way, I love your nickname!!

  6. Oh, those are the most adorable mommy\son pictures! :)
    He looks cute both ways, I have to say!

  7. How sweet! Precious pictures :)

  8. Very cute pictures! I remember that age well and trying to cut my son's hair cut! You are a wonderul aunt. You also did a great job.

  9. What a funny story! And I'm sure he's in love with you again by now...

  10. Thank you ladies for the props on the hair cut. I was pretty proud considering I didn't have the easiest subject! And yes, I'm finally back in his good graces, he loves me again, for now anyways!
