
Good News!

Tonight they discharged my grandfather from the hospital, he's resting at home and seems to be in good spirits! They did the pill camera test and will know the results from it on Monday. It's like a complete turn around for him. The doctors did a repeat hemoglobin test and his levels are back up, therefore permitting his release this evening. Prayer is powerful!!! Thanks to all of you beautiful women for keeping him in your prayers and for being such wonderful friends. I'm so thankful for all of you, even though we've never met, I treasure you all.


Tracy said...

I'm very glad to hear the good news! I am still praying for you all. Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say, rejoice!
BTW, I like your cute new photo!

Jason said...

hey babe,
i'm so glad hes doing better. i will continue to pray for him ever night. i love you so much babe and i think your doing a wonderful job on your blog i hope you keep up the great work. talk to you soon sweetie
love your hubby

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for all of you. I have been praying. Great news!

And here is something that caught me by surprise. Your archive thingy says that you have blogged like 16 times or something. I can't even believe that. I thought it was just yesterday you started. Wow! Time sure flies! Good news for anyone waiting for someone they love to come home I would imagine.

Heather K said...

christie==so glad to hear your Grandpa is doing better!

Ruth said...

Glad to hear the good report on your grandpa!!

Karen said...

Good news about your grandpa! We'll continue our prayers for him.


TO BECOME said...

I am so glad to hear your good news. I am happy for you all. connie from Texas

Lori said...

That is wonderful news. I'm so glad to hear he is doing better.
God is good!
I will continue to remember him in my prayers.

I also like your new photo. I changed mine too -check it out.
I also did a slide show on my blog. Come check that out too.