
Our Baby Shower!

Our shower was incredibly beautiful!  We were so blessed, and surrounded by so many loved ones, helping us celebrate our baby boys.  My sisters did such a wonderful job, I have never seen a baby shower so breathtaking!  They did a vintage Christmas theme, and the food was amazing!  Such a spread!  We had a hot beverage bar w/ all kinds of mix-ins, a galvanized bucket full of iced drinks, chocolate dipped pretzel rods, a variety of finger sandwiches, sausage balls, a buckeye cheese ball (which is like a peanut butter ball in dip form!!) with all sorts of goodies to dip in it, cupcakes, chex mix, and puppy chow...a variety of chips and three different types of dips!  And I'm still not sure I listed everything!  It was outta this world!  We also have amazing friends that came early to help out, Megan, Ashley, Jennifer, and Renea all showed up to help however needed, and I appreciate them so much!  My mom worked her tail off getting the house ready, cleaned, and decorated for Christmas too.  I can't say thank you to all of these special women enough.  They pulled off a perfect shower.  And now, for some pictures!

Directing Guests:

The beautiful back patio:

Come on in!

The drinks and mix-ins bar:

The elf name game (there were a lot of good ones...mine was Sparkle Jingle Bells, the funniest being Foxy Glitter Bottom!)

What a display!

Mom's Christmas Candy Shop:

The hot drinks:

There were lanterns and candles all over, the whole house was so cozy.

The main food table:


Chips and Dips:


Three of the lovely ladies who pulled it all off, my Ashwee, Megan, and Ashley A.

A few of the sweet guests:

Jason's Aunt Crystal:

Jason's Great Aunt Pearl, his Dad's cousin, Ann, and his Aunt Debbie:

One of the lovely hostesses, Alaina was behind the camera the whole time!

My bee-you-tee-ful Momma:

My sweetie had everyone cracking up, of course!

Helper Renea:

This is not even half the guests or the stuff we got, things and people were flooded through the rest of the house, and we received gifts through the mail from those who couldn't make it.  We have been "showered" with many of the things we needed.  My parents bought us the Cadillacs of car seats, and Jason's dad bought us the crib(s), so those were both big ticket items that we were very grateful to receive!  We also got swings, a bouncer, a twin stroller, adorable clothes, a special train set, gift cards and money to fill in what we still need, the twins Willow Tree figurines, books, and an assortment of all other kinds of baby goodies!  We are pretty well prepared for these little fellas to get here in only a few months!  I think the shower sent me into nesting mode, I am loving getting everything together, washing their little clothes and blankies in the yummy smelling Dreft, setting up the crib (they are sharing for a little while), etc.  I can't say thank you enough to everyone involved in pulling this off, and everyone who came..we love you all!


  1. You certainly have been blessed by all the beautiful gifts!! Our house is full to the max! Ha! Seriously, I can't wait for eleven more weeks!

    We have some pretty amazing, and generous friends with BIG hearts!

  2. The shower was BEAUTIFUL! Can't wait to meet Hunter & Noah. You are going to be a great Mommy! The picture of me however is AWFUL!!!

  3. The shower turned out nicely. I was kinda amazed we pulled it off :) I am glad you got a ton of stuff you needed. It kinda looks like your living room exploded..lol. Get used to that! I am glad you got pictures of the tables, I totally forgot to assign Alaina to that. Love y'all!
