
Change...and lots of it!

It's funny how life can completely change in the span of one day.  We were fully counting on Jason extending his military contract to stay in until after the twins are born.  That's not happening now.  His extension didn't get approved, and as of December 1, we will be considered "civilians" again.  We are scrambling.  I am slightly panicking.  We have to get our house moved, figure out what we want to do with the house, figure out job security, insurance (especially with twins coming soon!), and so on, so forth.  In the middle of all of this, there are so many things that we are so thankful for.
  1. We have an amazing family who have already jumped into action planning, and helping.  We are able to move in with my Daddy & Momma until we get through this transition, get a job, and are able to find something to live in.  They are all jumping to figure out how to move us, and help in many ways since I'm not as spry as normal;o)
  2. Our babies are moving a good bit now, and I'm able to feel little flutters and bumps throughout the day.  They are constantly reminding me that they are still my joy through this!
  3. TMO.  They are the moving company for the military.  They will come in and pack everything as well as move it.  Ashley and Matt have so graciously let us use their large basement to store everything until we get another place, thus saving us a good bit on storage fees.
  4. An amazing support system, including family, friends, and a wonderful church family who are praying us through this, and putting their feelers out for job opportunities for J.
  5. The fact that Momma will be here Monday, and that Tuesday we will be going in to find out the genders of the twins!  We are all so excited!
  6. And, more than anything, that our God is SO good, and always faithful.  In my moments of insecurity, panic, or confusion, He is always there.  We have felt in so many ways, that this was God closing the door on J's military career.  We have been on the fence about it, and both of our hearts' desires are to be back home.
  7. With a few health scares through the pregnancy, it is comforting to think that we will be near our support soon, making it easier for them to get to us, and close by for when the babies come!
As scary as this new season in our lives is, we feel God in every part of it.  There's still a lot that we don't know, but we know that God has a plan for us, and we are trusting in that.

Last week, in Walmart of all places, I decided to pass out.  Well, not really decided, my body kinda forced it on me.  Luckily, I had the foresight to get to the floor, and also J was with me.  I had a seizure, and woke up throwing up (this is a horrifying experience, let me tell ya, throwing up in public has always been a big fear of mine, I've decided that I will probably never show my face at that particular Walmart again).  After a long night in the ER, I was sent home with instructions to rest, and that this sometimes happens.  Geez.  But, the babies are fine, and I got an unplanned visit from Ashley.  After lots of rest, and some major blood sugar monitoring (they went nuts afterwards, thanks in part to the fact that the ER staff didn't give me any of my night time meds despite asking for them), I am on the mend health wise.  I'm still trying to overcome a lot of anxiety when I go anywhere, and we've decided it's not a good idea for me to go anywhere alone.

With all of this to say, I'm not doing a 2 week chalkboard update this week.  I'd rather stretch it to 3 weeks and do the next one when we know the genders:)  But, I wanted to post a few pictures of baby related happiness.

Jason came home from work a few weeks ago with a present.  I love presents.  This one made me so happy!  A Willow Tree to celebrate our miracles, and an owl tea-light holder.  Did I mention I love presents?  Especially ones like these.  He knows me really well.

I can't see my feet anymore.  It happened so fast, but with them being between 4.5-5 inches each crown to rump, plus all of their "baggage", I can't say I was too surprised.

And a profile shot.  They have moved up over the past 2 weeks, and I'm carrying higher now, and they have pulled to the front a lot more.  I can tell too.  Heartburn is so much fun.  I'm also thankful for Zantac.  Especially since I still love pickles, and they give me heartburn.

As I wrap this up, we are asking for all the prayers we can get.  We covet them, and would appreciate them more than we could ever express.  Thank you for checking in with me today, be back soon with our exciting reveal (praying they both cooperate)!

Jeremiah 29:11-13

New International Version (NIV)
11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.


  1. Continuous prayers are being lifted over this way. You guys are entering a season of change in your life. I am excited you are coming home, and know it is the best place for y'all. God has a plan, he is in control and I have a peace through it all.

    Can't wait to be able to call PB&J by their real names!

    Love you

  2. This seems insurmountable, but it's not. With our LORD's leading, we will be fine. Just continue to focus on all our wonderful blessings and gifts. :)
    I love you, and see you soon!
