
These twins ain't wastin' time!

We found out that we were expecting early, only a little over 4 weeks pregnant!  And, from then on, these two have not wasted any time making their presence known!  I never thought I'd show SO early, but I guess with double everything, the rules don't apply!  At week 6, I already had a little pooch but didn't know there were two yet, I just chalked it up to the bloat everyone talks about...

At week 8, they had popped out and we knew there were two by then!  It made a little bit more sense that my stomach was forming a basketball shape...

But, even two weeks later, they were appearing even more!  I'm thinking I'm going to be pretty uncomfortable by the third trimester, whattya think?!

The first trimester has surprisingly gone by pretty quickly.  I'm 11 weeks, and am looking forward to the 2nd trimester coming soon!  We have another ultrasound Tuesday, and we are excited to get to see our little ones again, and hopefully a little more detail than our first ultrasounds when they were so teeny!  They will be the size of figs this week, seems funny to compare them to food, huh?  With the first trimester bringing me so much nausea, I think the lack of food that agrees with me has counteracted much weight gain.  You'd think with that belly, it would be at least 5 lbs by now;o)  My weight gain as of yesterday is 1.8 lbs!  Woohoo!  I'll be trying to post an updated picture with a few fun facts every two weeks.  It's a good picture journal to look back at, and for the babies to see one day.  

We're getting excited for summer winding down, and hopefully cooler temps soon!  We're coming up on my favorite time of the year..autumn and winter.  I have some cute second trimester fall weather clothes that I can't wait to wear.  Only 29 days until the first official day of autumn!


  1. You can really tell how quickly those twins are growing! I think this is the sweetest idea to document the whole pregnancy. Sorry that I didn't get to see your new clothes, but in a few weeks, we'll be back! Love you, and praying for all of you!

  2. Praying for you 4! You look great!

  3. Ok, need some updates! I know you're showing much more! ;)
