
Christmas Cookies

A few nights ago, we decided to squeeze in some Christmas cookie time:)  J's schedule is terrible this week, so that night was about the only time we could do it, so we could at least enjoy the fruits of our labor.  I used a new recipe that I had tried a few weeks ago, that produced delightfully tasty sugar cookies that had lots of the chewy factor.  Turns out, that recipe was not good for making shapes.  It spreads.  A lot.  You can see in the first picture, we came out with several blob cookies.  Jason even decorated one with a big "?", another one just got lots of green frosting and sprinkles.  Still tasty, just not very pretty!
A view of our finished cookies, while drying.
Jason's puffy angel.  He even gave her little sprinkle eyes:)  I must say, he salvaged this one.  It was huge, and we could barely tell what it was.  He pulled it out.

Some of my creations.  We did what we could.

So, we got wise.  Or, so we thought.  We figured that if we just left the metal cookie cutters around the cookies and let them bake, that they would hold their shape.  They did, but we ended up with "cookie biscuits".  They have the thickness of biscuits with the taste of sugar cookies.  Hey, we may have hit on something new ;)  (Note: the cookie cutters stay hot.  For a while.  I have a mark on my finger to prove it.)
See our thicky-thick cookies:

I must say though, they are extra chewy, and when the middles sunk, it left a nice little rim to hold the frosting in place.  Once they were set, I put them in my new Christmas tin.  Walmart is carrying a whole line of Thomas Kinkade Christmas stuff this year (mabye in memory?).  I found this tin, and it looked so vintage to me.  I can remember old tins of my mom's that she inherited or had had for years looking a lot like this.  So, it came home with me for about 4.00.  If I didn't already have tins running out of my ears, I would have brought the other 2 designs home too.

It was fun, it always is with J.  He is creative and thinks out of the box, while I try to make each cookie a work of art.  It makes for interesting conversations and lots of laughs.  Definitely one of my favorite traditions.


  1. OMG I LOVE THAT TIN!! I have not seen those!

    Your cookies are fabulous. LIke always. Even your worst cookie is better than my best.

    My favorite is the thicky thick cookies. And how you worded it made me laugh out loud.

  2. Love it!!! Your cookie "creations" are always a treat to see. ;o)
    Jason has vision....hehehehe....
    I love that tin, too. It reminds me of the one I got from Aunt Shike all those years ago. You know the one. It ALWAYS holds our fruitcake.
    Love you!

  3. Did you get my earlier post on this?

  4. No, Daddy..this is the only comment I've gotten on this post from you.
