
New Take on Journaling

I can't wait to start this!  I saw it on a post here.  After looking it up on Amazon (my favorite place to shop!), and getting to look inside, I decided I needed it.  It's a fun way to record random things every day for a year, then you do it again on the following line for the next year, and so on for 5 years.  I think it will be neat to see how my answers change from year to year.  But, being that it's July, and it will bug me to start in the middle of the year (OCD an' all), I'm going to wait and start it in January.  I've been cheating a little and reading different days, some of them will really change yearly.  I'm excited to get started!


  1. You will be good at journaling. You have a way with the words, dearie! Love you!

  2. I wanna do this too!! But let's be honest, I post on my blog like twice a year, so this isn't so realistic for me :(
