
What's Cookin'?

So, I've been trying to mix it up in the kitchen.  Pinterest has been a big inspiration for me, so I've decided to try at least one new thing a week, and more often than not, it's a recipe I pinned.  This can be dangerous since there are so many guilty pleasure recipes, so if it's a decadent dessert recipe that I choose, it's definitely on a once a week basis..especially since I'm trying to do much better with my food choices.  So, ok, this post will be heavy on the yummy food pictures, so dieters beware (read while drinking a bottle of water, that's what I did while writing it so I wouldn't get busy in the kitchen)!

So, the first dish that I'm sharing is Ranch Chicken Tacos, pinned here.  These are a total crowd pleaser and I have fixed them twice already!  The first time was just one night for Jason and me, the second time, I fixed them for some friends, and they just raved, so I highly recommend these!  And they are super easy to boot!

The next thing I'm sharing is my fruit salad.  I usually pair this with tacos or hot dogs or something easy, instead of chips or a less health conscious side.  It's quite simple, and so, so tasty.  I can't wait for this summer to try it with some fresh watermelon:)

For 2-4 people, depending on your serving size, I start with a fruit cup of diced peaches in natural juice (since peaches aren't in season and the juice gives it a good base), then I add 2-3 clementines since they are seedless and perfectly bite sized.  Dice a medium sized apple and slice up one large banana.  Then I quarter about 10 strawberries and half about a cup (give or take) of red grapes.  Then the secret ingredient is maraschino cherries.  I cut about 10-12 of them in half, and then drizzle a little of the cherry syrup on top and mix it up!  I promise, it's delish.

Next is a cookie recipe.  And it rivals my traditional chocolate chip cookie recipe.  It's a chocolate chip cookie, but it's made with a box of cake mix.  They are SO chewy, and SO yummy!  They are def on my top 5 fave cookies list now!  These are pinned here.

Totally the perfect snack for my afternoon.  And Jason was a big fan.  They didn't hang around long!

On to the next!  I decided that after my first attempt with bread, and the fact that it was surprisingly a success (I was skeptical because I have always been afraid of baking with yeast..you know, that I don't let it sit enough, that it will fall, blah blah), that I would try making my own pita bread.  Another success!  Jason loves this stuff with hummus, especially the Sabra brand as they now have a "Supremely Spicy Hummus".  We are hooked!  And these things make great pockets for sandwiches.  I made mine a tad too thick, so next time, I'll need to roll them out a little more.  These are pinned here.

And, lastly...but oh so certainly, not leastly.  If you are a fan of Cracker Barrel (like me!), then I'm sure you are familiar with their Coca-Cola Cake.  This is a very close second to my mom's traditional homemade choclate cake.  Nothing can beat that:)  And now I find out that there is a copy cat recipe for it.  OH. MY.  So of course, this one was a must.  It makes a 9x13 size cake, so make sure you have plenty of help to eat it.  After I had a piece (or 4), I sent it with J to work.  They finished it off with no problem.  I have to say...it's pretty dead on, crackle glaze frosting, super fudgey cake/brownie texture and all.  My tummy's growling just thinking about it.  Good thing I don't have any!  You can find it pinned here.
This picture was taken right out of the oven when you pour the glaze over top.  After about an hour, the glaze hardens and makes the crinkle, crunchy consistency.  Oh, it's sinful.  But oh, how worth it!

Ok, so stop drooling and get in the kitchen, I am always looking for new stuff to try:)


  1. OMGEEE. I want all of these now please!

    Not a good post for those of us who are dieting!!

    I am going to dream about these.


  2. Well, geez.....I need to go to the store now! :o) These look awesome and you are of course bringing these with you?????
    Love you and cannot wait to hug you guys!!!
