
My Ninja Husband

Have a look (and maybe a giggle) at the following images, and then I will explain what they have to do with this post.  

So, I am convinced that my husband must have been dreaming about one of these scenarios 2 nights ago.  Why, you ask?  Because, he performed this very move on me in his sleep.  Straight to the forehead, above my right eye.  When I yelped, he woke up and realized what had happened, and felt terribly!  After he got his bearings, he asked what he did exactly.  I told him he must have been dreaming he was a ninja or a karate master because he definitely just used one of their moves on me!  Trying not to laugh (mostly at my ninja comparison), he made sure I was ok before we went back to sleep. (Disclaimer:  my husband does not beat me, nor is he abusive.  He just has super real dreams that he occasionally frequently acts out, usually on me.  Sometimes on the pillow.  I prefer when the pillow gets it.)  This move he used is called the palm strike in karate.  I looked it up because I knew I'd seen it before, other than the split second when I saw it flying towards me in the middle of the night.  I must have moved or something, and had opened my eyes right before, and because of the street lamp outside, I could see his hand coming, with only enough reaction time to close my eyes.  I was not pleased then, but now it's pretty humorous.  Oh, the stories I could tell about his dreams, and his sleepwalking.  I chalk it up to a side effect of his job.  I thought a king bed was supposed to fix this problem.  I'm going to start sleeping behind a pillow wall, maybe that will help!

Oh, and because my honey is such a sweetie and felt so badly, I got a 1 1/2 hour head rub last night.  Apology accepted:)


  1. LOL

    I am telling you.. handcuffs. Or duct tape.

    That, or you are gonna have to take self defense lessons so you can kick his sleep walking/sleep beating self :)

  2. Those pictures are so funny! HOWEVER!!! No more hitting my baby girl in your sleep, buddy! JK, you know I love you!

  3. For lack of a better word.. Yoshi went down the hole.

  4. That's right..tell him Momma:) Ash..LMBO!!! But it was "Yoshi disappeared".

  5. Tell Jason, If he doesn't stop hitting you in bed, kicking you out of bed, and generally abusing you while in the bed, there will be no more bed. Get my drift!! That should stop any future problems.

    Your welcome.


  6. Then we'll have to sleep on the floor, and I don't think Christie will be very happy with that. I don't think her back could handle it.

  7. Don't believe there is any we in my directions.

  8. sorry WE are ONE since WE are married where one goes the other goes. It's because WE are deeply in love and I couldn't see meself with out her

  9. You keep hitting and kicking my baby girl, you may not be able to see meself or herself.
