
Weekend Site Seeing

6 years we have lived here, and never have we gone to the Beirut Memorial or the Vietnam Veterans Memorial (which are at the same spot).  So, this weekend, we became local tourists!  Enjoy the pictures!

A steel beam from the 9/11 carnage.

Explaining what happened in Beirut, Lebanon.

Someone left dog tags and some little wreaths at the statue as a personal memorial.

The names of the military members who lost their lives there.

The Veitnam Veterans Memorial

Jason walking on the wrong part of the bridge.  Looks like he's singing, doesn't it?

The surrounding glass wall is engraved with all the many, many names of the veterans.

Jason's uncle was a Vietnam vet.  He finally found his name.

The fountains are so pretty.


Self portrait.

This was such a neat place, and I'm so glad we finally went out to see it.  It has sparked our interest in visiting other places around here that we've never been to.  It's a cheap, fun day date.  I encourage everybody to look around where you live, you may find some things and places you have never explored before, and it will bring a newfound appreciation for where you live.  We recently found out that they are building a Museum of the Marine here in town this year.  Can't wait to visit it!  I think we may be going to the Battleship in Wilmington soon:)


  1. It's kinda sobering, isn't it? I'm glad you got to see it, and he found his name on the wall.
    Love your pictures!

  2. That is so neat! I wanna go there when we are down.
