
Childhood Flashback

My daddy used to build us forts and "camp out" in the living room, where we would watch movies and eat popcorn with him on the weekends.  The other night, I told Jason that I really wanted to build a fort to sleep in, in the living room.  So being the wonderful husband he is, he got to work on a mental schematic.  We got it put up, and had our camp out.  I was a happy girl.  And I don't care that we are adults and still making forts to sleep in.  Age is only a number:)  In my book, it always does a person good to be young at heart.

We drug the mattress in from the guest room to sleep on, and clothes pinned the sheets together to make the tent part, then draped them over chairs and made the pitch by running a wire through the sheet and tying it to the ceiling fan.  Glad it's a sturdy ceiling fan.

A view of the inside.  Cozy.

Jason and Kojak trying out the hideout.  Kojak was not happy that he wasn't allowed IN the tent, but I could just see the outcome of that one turning out in catastrophe.  Plus, he is shedding so horribly right now, he is about to be shaved EARLY!

It was a fun night, and not one I will ever forget.  J is so good to put up with my silliness sometimes.  But then again, I think he might enjoy a little.  This will have to be a repeat experience for sure!


  1. Oh my goodness! That looks like SOOOO much fun! I am going to need a repeat of this when we come down in February! Along with your potato soup please.

  2. Heeheeheehee! Funny what we remember from our childhood. You've got a pretty neat Daddy.
    I think Jason has that "vision". He'll be a great Daddy, too.

  3. I have to admit, this makes me just a little ..because my hubby would never do this. :( It looks like so much fun, too! Looks like Kojak enjoyed himself, too! :) :)
