
Busy Days

I'm ready for a vacation!  Life has been too fast-paced lately and I just need it to slow down.  A little relaxation and family time is just what the doctor ordered.  Too bad it's not in the cards for a few more months.

The Marine Corps doesn't care when you have a longing for down time and QT with the fam.  They have Jason stretched pretty thin these days.  Last week was rifle range, and as I've shown in previous posts, Jason is always beat during range week.  Getting up at 3:30, and then to make it worse, he would have to have it the week the heat wave settled in on us.  Thankfully that's over, so now he's back to having duty every 3rd day until September.  We will get a small window in the middle of August to go home and be with our family, however.  Very small.  We get to go home on a Saturday and come back on Monday, and that's just because he got somebody to cover his duty an extra day so we can go home to see Alaina sing for her first Sunday morning church service!  She's going to blow everybody away:)  Plus, he's in college every other weekend all day for both days.  At least this class is business management so it's one I can help with.  I've already been "voluntold" that I will be writing a 5 page paper.

Illness has rocked Jason's world this week as well.  We found out that his grandmother, the one he is very close to, and who had a big hand in raising him, was diagnosed with lung cancer.  We don't know how bad or if it's spread yet, so we're hoping and praying it will be in the early stages and that she will fight it, and that this will convince his dad to stop smoking.

Last Monday was a scare for me.  A pain like I've never felt before hit in the middle of the day in my lower left back.  Growing up with diabetes, it is pounded in your head, that back pain in the lower portion on the sides is more than likely kidney issues.  So of course I went into panic mode, and couldn't make rational decisions, so my wonderful mom walked me through what I needed to do via phone.  I couldn't reach Jason on the range, so I called my neighbor who drove me to the ER and stayed with me until sweet hubby could get there (which was about 45 minutes later).  8 hours later, my diagnosis was "renal colic".  A painful spasming of the kidney(s) b/c of kidney stones.  After a rough week, I'm pretty sure I passed the stone late Friday/early Saturday.  Not something I wish on anyone!

We are still having smoke problems from the wildfires here, but they have it somewhat contained now.  It's still pretty stinky here though, especially with the really hot temps.

We are finally starting on some indoor house projects!  First one was the guest bath, we are right in the middle of it, and are learning a lot!  Pictures to come soon!

We met some possible new neighbors on Sunday.  Quite the different couple, but I think they would be good neighbors.  He's 25, and she's 45.  He's a marine, and I think he and Jason would get along well.  She is from Guam.  After meeting them, Jason informed me that she must be "Guamanese".  I burst out laughing and said "no, I'm pretty sure that's not right!"  So his next guess was "ok, well she must be a Guamian."  When the laughing subsided, I had to look it up, they are actually called "Chamorro".  Who woulda known!?

As much as I hate giving Kojak haircuts, he is miserable in this heat, and I'm finding fuzz balls the size of chihuahuas all over my carpet!

I can't believe it's almost August! 

I think my new catch phrase for my stories on Jason will be "Hunny Funnies".  Here's another Hunny Funny...last night I was laying in bed, not sleeping, yet Jason was sacked out.  All of the sudden he pushes up on his elbows, looks at me, giggles (yes, GIGGLES), and says "lincoln logs".  Lays back down and closes his eyes.  If I could only see inside his dreams!

Alaina taught Kojak to play dead when you point your finger gun at him and yell "BANG!".  It's hilarious.  He lays down and rolls over on his side.  Here recently for whatever reason, he has started (on his own) putting his paw over his face.  It cracks me  up!  When Alaina tried to teach this trick to Lola, she ran away and got in her bed.  She is smarter than we give her credit for, she runs from the gun, Kojak just lets you kill him!

Ok, well, the bathroom isn't painting itself unfortunately.  So, I'm dragging myself off the computer now.  59 days until FALL!!!


  1. Glad you passed that stone! OUCHIE!

    "Hunny Funny" so cute! That's hilarious! Josh does similar things like that every once in a while.

    I just love our pups! They are so smart! I think Kojak is being jealous is all!

    Can't wait to see pics of the bathroom.

    Let me know how your hair turns out:) I really think you will like it.

  2. Ok, good updates! I also like the Fall countdown on here. I am trying to enjoy each day as we get them, but this heat is about to fry me.
    Jason is too funny. I think he must have been dreaming about opening up a Christmas present or something!
    Lola is shedding like crazy, too. It has to be this heat! I spent the afternoon with Ashley yesterday so she could rest, and vacuumed up a canister full of ginger colored hair from that dog!
    I also think it's jealousy about the nipping thing. He's going to have to learn now, especially when you all have babies, that it's not acceptable. I don't have any advice for that one.
    Kidney stones are the devil. As you know, I had one and it was a doozy. I'm glad I could be the voice of calm for you, b/c Daddy was that for me when I was in the middle of having the hot searing knife in my side, too. Not something I would wish on my worst enemy.
    We'll make the most of the weekend you all are here. We miss you!!!!
    Love ya bunches,

  3. I am ready for vacation too!! November cannot come fast enough :)

    I cannot wait to hear Alaina blow everyone away, she is soo talented. And I am still hoping to persuade you to stay with me for the week after.

    I hate writing papers, Jason would be out of luck with me ;)

    I pray for Jason's grandma all the time, cancer is a hard thing. Are they keeping you guys in the loop any more?

    Kidney stones blow. I don't know from experience but I have heard they are awful. Hopefully you wont have anymore pass through.

    Your bathroom is pretty, I can't wait to see it in person. When are you starting the kitchen?

    Jason definitely comes up with some hilarious things. Slickery.. I love that word, and use it often.

    Lola is not smart. She just runs from loud or angry noises.

    Our dogs are mean, yours bites children and mine tries to eat kittens. Bad doggies.

    I love you.
