
Monday Memories

This picture really isn't my memory, but it represents the memory of growing up with parents who have been together since high school, and who are still together (going on 32 years of marriage!), and who are still in love.  I never had to worry about divorcing parents growing up, when so many of my friends were thrown into custody battles and only seeing one parent at a time.  So, I feel extremely blessed and thankful to have been born to the two most wonderful parents anywhere, parents that have held up their promises to each other, to God, and to their family!  I love you Daddy and Momma!

Aren't they cute!?  This was one of their high school proms:)


  1. Whoa is that a blast from the past!!! Look at that ruffly shirt your Dad is wearing! :op

    Thank you, sweet girl. We are more in love than ever. If that's even possible.

    Love you

  2. I think I will grown my hair back out like that. I was way too cool.
    I can't help it.
    I am glad you appreciate the way your mother and I are in love.
