
Tinkering Tuesday

I decided that my front door wreath needed some sprucing up.  It was looking a little sad and faded.  So, a trip to Walmart for flowers, a glue gun, and some ribbon was in order!



Much better, if I do say so myself!


Monday Memories

This picture really isn't my memory, but it represents the memory of growing up with parents who have been together since high school, and who are still together (going on 32 years of marriage!), and who are still in love.  I never had to worry about divorcing parents growing up, when so many of my friends were thrown into custody battles and only seeing one parent at a time.  So, I feel extremely blessed and thankful to have been born to the two most wonderful parents anywhere, parents that have held up their promises to each other, to God, and to their family!  I love you Daddy and Momma!

Aren't they cute!?  This was one of their high school proms:)


Savory Saturday

It's grillin' weather here in coastal NC, for a few days, at least!  Veggie, Chicken, and Shrimp Kabobs, roasted asparagus, and grilled Texas Toast!  YUM!!!

Even a grilled dessert!  Grilled pineapple with vanilla ice cream and chocolate syrup, OHHH soo good!!!


Friday Funnies

This is ingenious!  I should have been wearing this all winter!  Perfect for a hypochondriac like me!


Thankful Thursday

Ok, so I know I've missed a few days on my daily blogging, but being today is Thankful Thursday, I figured it was a good day to pick back up:)  Today, I'm so extremely thankful for the BEAUTIFUL weather!  Today's high is 68, and tomorrow is 75!  The rest of the week will be mid to upper 60's.  Yep, I already have the windows open and I'm letting the fresh air in!  It smells heavenly, like grass and ocean water:)  The fresh air is sweeping through the house, hopefully taking with it any sicky germs left in here (after I had the flu and Jason's sick now with a sinus infection).  I have been lysol queen (or princess, since my mom is THE lysol queen;o)), so there shouldn't been any active germs in here, but just in case, it's another good reason to have the house opened up!  So, I hope you are all enjoying this wonderful weather, and I'm hoping it's here to stay:)



Wishful Wednesday

A new washer and dryer is on our list.  Ours are going on 10 years old and they are on their last legs.  Little parts keep breaking and going out, and thankfully, Jason has been able to keep fixing them, but it's only a matter of time now.  I already have our new ones picked out and they will be mine as soon as our first time home buyer's tax credit hits the bank!


Tinkering Tuesday

I finally have my RED front door!!!  We found an exterior paint guide at Lowe's that already had the colors paired for you, with your house color, shutters, and trim.  It had our house color and shutters already paired with this color, by Olympic, called Apple A Day.  I was sold, and we took it home and Jason painted it that night!  I am in love with the way it came out!



Monday Memories

This was our first homecoming in 2007 after a 7 month deployment.  Best. Feeling. Ever.


Spiritual Sunday

This is a verse that seems to keep popping up and crossing my path, and I keep trying to remind myself of it when I'm feeling down.

Jeremiah 29:11 (New International Version)
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.


Savory Saturday

This is a favorite of Jason's and Ashwee's, and if you love peanut butter, then this is the pie for you!

Nutter Butter Peanut Butter Pie
24 Nutter Butter Peanut Butter cookies, crushed
5 tbsp. butter – melted

Mix together and press into pie pan.

1 – 8 oz. cream cheese
1 cup peanut butter
½ cup sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
6 oz. Cool-Whip (will need 12 oz. total)

Mix together and spread in crust, top with remaining 6 oz. Cool-Whip. Place in freezer for 2-4 hours. Remove ½ hour before serving. Drizzle with chocolate syrup.


Friday Funnies

Real life Mario Kart!!!  I wanna play!
(notice he is throwing out the banana peel, lol!)


Thankful Thursday

I always try to be thankful, so I think Thankful Thursdays is a good reminder of our blessings, big or small.  This Thursday, I am going to choose to post about the manufacturer that built our house, sending it's contractors up from Georgia to fix our house! 

They have been here the past two days fixing all the little things that were not completed or were messed up during building or moving and setting up.  Being a little OCD, these little fixes were really grinding on my nerves, but the stubborness in me wasn't going to pay to fix them when we just paid good money for a NEW house, that shouldn't have anything wrong with it.  So, I am thankful today that they are here making everything right!


Wishful Wednesday

Sigh.  How I would love to be vacationing here with my sweetie right now.  Warm breezes, cool water, sunkissed skin, and relaxation..I think that's just what the doctor ordered.  Too bad it's not easier to obtain!


Tinkering Tuesday

My sister, Ashley, and I have decided to do some theme blogging if you haven't noticed:)  Tuesdays are for posting about hobbies, crafts, projects, and things you enjoy doing and making.  Sooo, I figured since my most favorite-ist hobby is photography, that I would share a few shots from my latest shoot as my Tinkering Tuesday post!
This was the shoot I did for Rachel and Jimi right before they left NC, I just got done editing and so here's a peek at the finished product!  They were so much fun and we got so many good shots!