
Moving Day Is Approaching, and Some Other Randomness!

The brick is on the house!  And they are saying about 2 weeks!  Eeek!  I'm not even finished packing!  We are having a yard sale as I type to try to eliminate some of the clutter before we move, so that's a step in the right direction, right?!  Plus a little extra moolah never hurt anyone;o)  We are going back out to the house on Monday, so I will have more up to date pictures to post then, but I love the brick that they chose, and they will soon be building our steps!  I'm still a little worried that the cable won't be run out there yet, because we all know I can't live very long without the internet!

As I am sitting on my front porch supervising the yard sale, I had to grab a hoodie because it's a chilly 67 degrees.  I absolutely LOVE it!  It just intensifies my need for fall.  Only 12 days until it's officially fall, and only 57 days until our vacation to Gatlinburg!  YAY, YAY, YAY!!!!!!  I am glad that we will be moved and settled in the new house way before vacay, so we can relax and enjoy the break from reality.

Today, especially as a military family, I am reminded of what this day means to our American history.  The 9th anniversary of 9/11.  I can't believe it's been 9 years.  It just doesn't seem real.  May we NEVER forget all of the Americans who lost their lives that day, and all the brave men and women who have lost their lives fighting for us since that day.  God bless them and their families.  And let's continue to pray for this country, it's leaders, and this war.

Remembering, but trying not to dwell on all the sadness of this day..I want to also reflect on all that we (our military) have accomplished in Iraq, and celebrate that.  Alot of people say that it was a waste of time and money.  Having had my husband there twice, and numerous friends there as well, I can promise you that they have made huge strides.  Yes, there is still so much to be done, and there are no guarantees, but I whole heartedly believe that they have made a difference.

Moving along...I am totally digging Sara Bareilles' new CD, Kaleidoscope Heart.  I recommend it if you like her type of music.

Ok..yard sale update.  It's 9:30 and we have already made 90 bucks!  Cool!

We went up to the drag strip last night and Jason ran his car again.  He didn't run as good this time, so he's been bummed.  So, he's been out tinkering on his car again.  Geez.

Went to Texas Roadhouse for the first time last night with some friends.  It was delish!  And I even ordered healthy!  Roasted chicken, with green beans, and mashed potatoes.  I figured I deserved a little starch, lol.  I've been eating much healthier, and much lighter, and I could definately tell a difference in the amount of food I could eat last night.  My stomach must be already shrinking:)  Plus, I've felt better, and had better blood sugar levels.  I'm really wanting to make this a habit and a lifestyle.  I know it will pay off, and I will have more energy.

We are going to dinner at some friends house tonight, and they are having steak.  I love a free steak dinner;o)  Complete with salad, and mashed potatoes (I never get tired of 'em!).

I am not looking forward to this moving thing.  Thank goodness Jason got off early all week and was able to help me get everything off the walls, and the living room packed, as well as part of the kitchen.  We have to make a late night run to Walmart tonight for more boxes and papers, so I can finish packing up the kitchen.  At least it's an in town move, we aren't even packing up the drawers.  They are all getting moved as is, lol.  We need some strong fellas to head our way on moving day, if there are any takers out there;o)

I am ready for our first time homebuyer's credit to hit the bank!  We want to put a fence in at the new place for Kojak, get a new TV since ours no longer responds to the remote (Jason's getting that one for his game room), a storage building, and a deck.  So exciting!

Carolina Panthers football baby!  The season starts tomorrow at 1:00 against the NY Giants!  Woo-hoo!  I am looking forward to a lazy Sunday afternoon tomorrow with my Panthers and my hubby!  I might even break out some chips and guacamole!  Football also means the start of fall, ya know!  I need some tickets, it's about time I go to another live game.

Oh, and only 105 days until Christmas!


  1. Well! Everytime I come here, you've changed it up! I really like the brown and cream polka-dots. You should keep this theme.
    Oh, and maybe you just have to TELL them you need help. Some people are oblivious.
    Love you,

  2. You should not be private. I miss important posts!

    Yard Sales rock. Not working them so much but the money you make!

    I wish we lived closer. I'd help you pack. And move.

    Your house is going to be really nice, I can't wait until you decorate and post pictures!

    Love you!
