
Lil' of this, Lil' of that...

Can you believe it's August!?!  I'm so excited!  Fall comes with the promise of several new photography gigs!  I've already got about 5 people interested in Autumn photoshoots.  Good for the vacation fund!

95 days 'til Tennessee and counting!  I am SOOOO ready for a vacation and cooler weather, as if I haven't already mentioned that!

It's looking like I will be hosting Christmas this year!  Jason will have a class over Christmas, which sticks us with staying here.  My family will probably be coming in the Thursday before and staying through the weekend.  I know it's an inconvenience for them, but I'm kind of excited since I've never hosted Christmas before.  PLUS, it will be in our NEW HOUSE!  Yep, we are "under contract" for a new manufactured home and 2 acres of land.  Our house is being built right now!  I already have the perfect spot picked out for the Christmas tree.  And I have brand new side by side fridge and freezer (the freezer is a separate unit and they are both the size of a normal side by side)  They are huge!  Plenty of space for all the food:)

We are busy pulling out all of our unused treasures to put together a yard sale.  We are trying to get rid of anything we don't use anymore to avoid moving any unncessary stuff!

I'm having a Pampered Chef catalog party, so if anyone wants/needs any kitchen supplies, you can order online and not have to worry with making it to a party!  The show will be open through the rest of August!

The neighbors have recently gotten some new dogs or either put their indoor dogs out.  They are yappy and annoying, and they drive my dog NUTS!  They do nothing but bark at each other through the cracks in the fence.  I do not like them.

I am so excited to decorate the new house...so many ideas swimming through my head!  I can't wait to get it all in there and post pictures, it's beautiful!

Plus, because Jason was deployed in '09, we still qualified for the first time homebuyer's credit.  Yay for extra moolah!

Alaina was with us all last week, it's always fun to have her here.  She is such a good teenager.  I'm proud of the girl she has become.  Such a big heart, and a desire to help animals.  She will do big things.

Then Daddy, Momma, and Grandma got here Friday night.  Momma, Grandma, and I went shopping at some favorite local spots on Saturday, and Daddy, Jason, and Alaina headed to the beach where Jason fell asleep and got sooooo sunburned.  He was in a lot of pain this week, but it is finally healing and peeling!  Plus we took everyone by the model of our house, and showed them the land.  On Sunday, we headed to Topsail and Surf City.  Two places we had never really explored.  Both really neat beach towns, and not nearly as crowded as other, larger beaches.  Plus I found some new photography spots!  It was a cloudy, cool day, and we really enjoyed our time together exploring and visiting the Wings store, eating at a "local" dig, and walking on the beach.

Ash, Matt, and Austin are trying to plan a trip down at the end of the month or the first of September.  This summer has been so busy for everyone that it's been hard to coordinate trips, but things are slowing down and getting back to normal, and we are excited to get them down here...SOON!  Austin has gotten to where he loves the beach.  He used to HATE the sand and scream until you picked him up, but now he really does enjoy being there.  Ashwee and Matt have their SIX year anniversary coming up the 14th..I'm so proud of them, and of the parents they have become to sweet Austin.  We love you guys, congratulations on 6 years!

At a new found antique store in a nearby town, I found the cutest retro salt/pepper shakers on Saturday.  And they have...what else?!...cherries on them!  So cute, will post a picture soon!

Well, I think that's enough of my rambling for one day.  Hope everyone is having a good week!


  1. Good ramblins! I think we'll have to re-visit that new antique house. It was quirky, but had some good stuff.

    Your house will be beautiful, if I know your style. And I do. :o)

    Love you,

  2. Hey there, hi there, ho there!! LOL!! :) I'm so proud to have two older sisters that are so special, beautiful, loving, careing, fun, friendly, and I could go on and on. I can't wait for the Tennessee trip either!!!!! Love you sissie, and hope to see you real soon!!! :)

  3. I am a little late. It doesn't post your new blogs on my update bar and I forget that. Boo.


    Tennessee cannot come fast enough. I need cold weather. And Dollywood at Christmas is gonna rock.

    I can't believe summer is almost over. This makes me happy.

    Christmas will be interesting, we have rarely traveled for Christmas.. still it will be fun :) You are a good hostess.

    I am still looking at the Pampered Chef stuff.. will let you know soon.

    Alaina is a marvelous girl. I just had her here last night. She has such a good personality. I love her so.

    I am coming down this week woman. Hold your horses. I know you miss me and all..

    I heart you and your ramblin's

  4. Congrats on your new house! I'm with ya, definately ready for fall!

  5. Hey! I like you're new look. Just need some pics of your new home!
