
MCT Instructor School Graduation

I am so proud of my man!  He graduated his MCT Instructor training today!  He is now officially an instructor and non-deployable for 3 years:)  Some pictures from today...

Jason and Derek getting their diplomas:

With their proud wives (me and Lisa):

Jason with his Cheif Warrant Officer, and a couple of buddies from his old unit that showed up to see him graduate!  (He had a cheering section!)

Jason and Derek with their diplomas!

Congratulations Babe!  Congratulations Derek!  And yay for training being over!!!


  1. Congratulations!!!! We're so proud of you, Jason!
    These are great pictures of all of you.
    Love you,

  2. Go Jason! I hate we couldn't be there, but I am glad he had his cheering section :)

    Love the pictures. He looks so happy. I love that boyish smile!

  3. congrats! great pictures and also wondering where you got the cute jeans you are wearing in the picture? thanks! :) gina in ok

  4. Thank you:) Lol...Ashley, I love that smile too:)

    Gina in OK...the jeans are from Kohl's!

  5. Congrats Jason! I'm sure you LOVE the 3 year non deployable part!:)

  6. thank you everyone. i love you babe.. i'm so glad to be through school
