
Changes In The Bedroom

My new bedding!

And, I moved a little furniture around because I needed a makeup table.  The lighting in my bathroom is terrible, so I am very happy with the new setup.  I can see what I'm doing, and sit down while doing my massive mop of hair:)


  1. The new bedding is really pretty. I love how it looks against the dark furniture.
    I find it funny that there is a fan there to cool you off when you're doing your make-up and hair. ;o) I can soooo relate.
    Love you,

  2. Thank you:) I thought it was very complimentary too!

    You know it! That hair dryer does me in, lol. I know you can relate better than anyone write now! Love you too!

  3. I live in front of fans. I hate summer.

    Love your bedding, makes me have the decorating bug again, I need to do my bedroom and bathrooms soon!

    Love you
