
A Bird's Nest

Our front door wreath/basket has become the home to a little wren and her eggs!  We kept hearing scratching on our door and just figured maybe the wind was blowing the wreath back and forth, but, this little wren was busy at work building a new nest for her soon-to-come babies!  We only discovered it underneath all the flowers, after Jason opened the door one day and she almost hit him in the face flying out so fast.

We have since moved it off of the door, so that our little visitor wouldn't accidentally fly into our house one day, because if that happened, Jason would come home to find me passed out on the floor.  Birds are cute, but not when they are close up or flying freely in my house and dive bombing my head.  Just sayin'.  So now, they (along with their wreath/basket home) are perched in one of our rocking chairs where we can keep a watchful eye from the front window:)


  1. Oh, how sweet! Yep, you would be doing the shakey dance getting away from that mama bird!! Love to see that, actually. ;o)

  2. Scariness. Birds flying at you DEF give me the heebie jeebies! Would have loved to have seen Jason's reaction when it flew out at him though!:)haha
