
A Sad Day

Well, today hasn't been a great day.  I'm feeling so sad right now.  Sad because my great grandmother is suffering, sad to see her finally lose her fight, sad that she hasn't remembered us for a while now, but I have to be happy that she is finally going to be with our Lord and with her husband, my Grandaddy and Uncle Skip, among many others who have gone on before, in Heaven.  She's had a long, long life, and her last several years have been hard.  I think she's ready, though.  Like I said, she's not remembered many of us for a few years, and the fall and the broken hip was the last thing her frail body could handle.  She surprised us so many times before and pulled through when no one thought she would.  But this time, it's time.  Her breathing has slowed to about 1 breath per minute, and they have told the family that she will pass at some point today.  I pray for a peaceful passing for this dear, sweet lady.

I remember growing up, the house we lived in was right across a field from her house.  Grandma Jordan, as we fondly called her, always welcomed visits from us.  She was usually out in her garden, pulling weeds, growing beautiful fruits and vegetables, or tending to something around the house.  She also always had something good to eat, just like grandmas do.  Fresh baked bread, or cookies.  And if she didn't, she'd pull the stuff out to help us make some.  She was a wonderful cook!  Many a time, I would set out for her house, stop at the cherry tree in the big field between our houses, and then take off for our afternoon visits.  Her house was also the place I would "run away" to.  If I was mad at my parents, and threatened to "run away" in my childish anger, they knew where I was going, and would call ahead (which I learned of later on).  Grandma would always be waiting on me once I got there.  She would run and chase me and Ashley in our younger years, and she could keep up!  She had a pecan tree and a really cool shelling machine that she always let us "help" her with.  She loved playing board games with us.  She loved animals, and I never, ever saw an animal that didn't adore her.  Her faithful companion, Scamp, was her dog and best friend until she couldn't care for him anymore.  She survived a house fire, even though she forgot in the midst of it, that her house was on fire.  She reminded us everyday that she wanted to go back to her house, back to her home, once she had to go to assisted living.  She was persistent, and stubborn, and fiesty.  She had that fire all the way up to her last days.  She was all those things, but she was also understanding, sweet, loving, and hard working.  She used to have her own drapery shop when it wasn't popular for women to even work, she worked in a bakery (no wonder she could cook so well!), and every afternoon, she laid down on the floor and took a nap.  She loved her soap operas and the Wheel of Fortune.  She never could remember Jason, Matt, or Austin, but she still loved them.  She loved babies and kids, and Austin would just sweetly sit by her at family gatherings.  She took a liking to Jason, and he ate it up.  She always talked about how handsome he is, and how he has such "broad shoulders".  I'd tell her, "well, Grandma, that's my husband", and she'd say what a catch I had;o)  He offered to take her on numerous dates, and she would always answer, "well, anytime, honey!"  Most of these memories are mine, a few have been added from stories I've heard of her.  There are so, so many, and I could never put her life into words.  She was a wonderful grandmother, and I know I'll see her again one day as she will be waiting with the rest of my sweet loved ones at the pearly gates. 

I love you, Grandma Jordan.  I'm glad you are finally going "home" and will no longer be in pain.


  1. Please please read this. Chris really it's beautiful. I think it would be amazing if you could be brave and share this. It would touch so many people.

    Just think about it.
