
Today's the Day I've Waited For All Year!

In just a couple of short hours (which in fact, will seem like years), I will be reunited with my sweetie! It's 3 am, I've been up for about 2 hours, only getting about 2 1/2 hours of sleep. But I am wide awake and rarin' to go! Everything is done. The house is clean, the Christmas lights are on, Jason's favorite goodies are made and awaiting him in the pantry, and his car is washed and waxed courtesy of Matt:) He is currently on the hour bus ride back to Camp Lejeune, where they will get their blood drawn, and turn their weapons in. After that, they will be headed to the homecoming location! Ash and Matt will be videoing and taking pictures, so I'm sure I'll have plenty to show you! Oh, if this time would just hurry up!


  1. You'll never know how much Jason's call meant to me. How I wish we could have been there for this. Glad he's home safe and sound, and cannot WAIT to see you both this weekend.
    Love you,

  2. Hope the time flew by and his homecoming is wonderful!!! So excited for you!!!

  3. Feeling oh so happy for you both!

    Merry Christmas!

  4. How about some homecoming pics and pics of the house????

  5. Ok, you've made everyone wait long enough. Pictures, please!
    Love you and see you Monday!
