
Been a while...

Wow, it's been a while! Life can just get so crazy, that blogging is one of the things to take a backseat. So, having been a while, this is what's been going on in Christie's world.

Jason is still doing well, he will be coming home in just over 2 months for his leave. We are taking a week and going to a cabin in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. I am so excited, I could scream! Afterwards, we are heading to my great aunt and uncle's lake house(s). They currently have a vacation home at a lake in Georgia, and a rental cabin which they have so graciously let us have for 4 days while we enjoy all the water sports we can stand! It's a celebration of his 1st homecoming with my side of the family. This will leave a few days to visit with his family after our vacations.

Jason is also up for an NCO of the quarter board next week. This basically means a sheet of paper in his career folder that looks really good. Afterwards, he's supposed to go on a Sergeant board. Please pray that he wins both with flying colors! Being promoted to Sgt. is something we've both been praying for! And, I know I'm partial, but he's a wonderful Marine, and he has worked so hard for it:) I'm so proud of you, honey!

Reenlistment is just around the corner. This is a time of excitement and nervousness. We are waiting to see what the re-up bonus is, and are also praying that we get the duty station we've requested. Parris Island, SC. Still close to home, but close to so many awesome places. I think my family will be happy if we get stationed there too. 45 minutes from Savannah, GA. An hour from Charleston, 15 minutes to the beach, an hour to Hilton Head. Plus base housing is super nice (or as Austin says "wooper wooper nice")!!!

Jason has started going to a bible study on Tuesday nights that they announced in church. It's based on the book "Marriage On The Rock" by Jimmy Evans. I just bought the book, and we are going through it together. This has proven to be such an awesome way for Jason and I to connect and strengthen our marriage, even though we are tons and tons of miles apart.

About a week ago, I was feeling like I was just going through the motions, in a total rut. I knew exactly why. I had strayed from prayer time and devotions. I have since devoted the first 30 minutes of my day to reading a devotional, reading through the Bible (sadly, something I've never made it through), and spending my prayer time on my knees. There are so many things in my life that I really need to cover in prayer, and there's no better way than on your knees!

The devotional that I'm using is so appropriate for this time period. It's called Faith Deployed. It's specifically for the spouses of deployed military members. Written by wives from all the different branches of the military. It's wonderful, I wish I would've found it the first deployment!

My birthday is this month, I will be 27. I can no longer say mid-20's. It's late-20's. I'm not thrilled with this. It doesn't help to have a husband that constantly reminds you that you will always be the first one to get to these milestones first. Even though he is just 6 months behind!

My Mom and I are headed to Boone for the day of my birthday. I love it there. We can spend all day up there shopping in the millions of neat little stores. Then Friday, we will have my family birthday dinner. I've requested Grilled Tamari Chicken, Fried Squash, and Green Beans. Complete with my mom's delicious homemade chocolate cake! You don't diet on your birthday. It's a rule.

We are heading down to Georgia in two weeks. This will also help the month pass quickly. I really have a hard time not wishing the time away when my husband is gone.

We got a creative itch around here the last week or so. With everyone's help, last Saturday, we revamped Ashley's yard. It looks like something from a magazine now:) We've also been rearranging and redecorating inside, adding pictures, rugs, and accents. I'll let her post the pictures, but it's really cute, and it's made it look SOOOO much bigger!

Austin and I just got back from a "date". We took off to Wendy's for dinner while poor Ashley's down with another migraine. We had a fun time. It's cool how kids enjoy the smallest things, like eating in at Wendy's. I love our "dates". He's totally the man in my life while Jason's gone. Well, him and Daddy:) We're piled on the couch now, while he plays on his laptop and I blog. All the while listening to the summer thunderstorm outside. Peaceful evening. I just wish Ashley could join us:(

Kojak is finally calming down just a bit. He's still a kangaroo, but he seems to be controlling it some better. He's finally mastered "howdy" and "wait". He's such a smart dog. He loves jumping to catch his toys mid-air. I must share a photo where we captured him doing this.

This is another priceless Kojak photo. And Austin's face makes it too! Speaking of pictures, I've been getting nicely acquainted with my camera. I've done a couple of photoshoots and have been thrilled with the outcome, as have the subjects. Hopefully with more practice, I can make it a part time business.

Ok, so enough for now. I know there's still more I could write, but it's probably taken y'all all day to read what I've already written, if you even stuck with it to the end!


  1. Praying for Jason's safe return and his board.

    Thank you for taking Austin for me.. again. I hate this.

    I need to get a good devotional, maybe we can go look at some soon.

    27 maybe older than Jason, but you still aren't as old as Matt..lol.

    Kojak is a nut. I love that picture.

  2. Wonderful updating post! Cannot wait for all the events coming up, either.
    Love you,
