
Another One of Those Updating Posts

1. Jason won the NCO of the Quarter board! Yay! Now his career folder goes up to regiment, and hopefully he will win at that one too. We're still waiting to see when the Sgt. board is.

2. We are hitting the road tomorrow morning to spend the rest of the week in Georgia with some family. I haven't been down to my aunt and uncle's house since I was 10, I think. I'm excited for the mini vacation. It will help the time go by more quickly!

3. I will be 27 next week. I'm having a hard time being considered late-20's. I think I just turned 18 last year! I think I will pull my friend Lori's trick, and every birthday from now on out will be my 26th:)

4. I had another photo shoot yesterday. It went wonderfully and I'm thrilled with the finished products. I was up 'til midnight editing them! It was for 3 little girls, I will be posting a "brag book" of sorts soon. I have several more lined up already! Super excited!

5. I get my "hair did" today. I have the coolest hairdresser ever. I always enjoy our 3 hour visits every 6 weeks. Yes, 3 hours. I have a lot of hair and a lot of highlighting:) I only have one more appointment before Jason comes home!!!

6. Hair appointments also mean eye brow waxing. Ouch!

7. I don't know if anyone noticed my countdown at the top of my blog, but we now have LESS than two months before R&R starts! Woohoo!

8. Kojak has a very strong attachment to me. He has separation anxiety, for real. Every time I leave, even to the store, he waits by the door, or either acts out and does something totally crazy and uncharacteristic, like peeing on the floor. Ashley is so graciously babysitting him this week while I'm gone. I hope he's not a huge pain in the butt. I bought new toys for him, so hopefully he'll stay plenty busy. I'll probably owe her big when I get home.

9. Kojak still thinks he weighs 10 lbs. instead of 40. I can't tell you how many times we've had the wind knocked out of us from him jumping in our laps. In his mind, he's a teacup chiuaua.

10. I still haven't packed. Dang.

11. The garden over and Mom and Dad's that everyone has so back-breakingly worked on this year is finally producing veggies! We have squash growing out of our ears! And as soon as the tomatoes start turning red, they will be sitting on every available surface as well. Yum:) This means fried squash for my birthday dinner next week. I love it!

12. I'm addicted to Ted Dekker books. I'm reading Boneman's Daughters right now. You can't put these books down.

13. I bought my first pair of "bermuda shorts" last week. I thought I would hate them and that they would look like granny pants, but they are really cute and sporty. So I bought another pair:)

14. I was tired of pink toenails, so I painted them purple. Loving it.

15. I'm going to start tanning when I get back from Georgia. Gotta get ready for August!

16. June and July are so packed from this moment on. I'm happy about this, if everything goes as planned, these months will fly.

17. I have made Ashley my assistant/posing technician (you like that title, don't ya, Ash?). She has been a tremendous help with the photo shoots. She's going to have some long trips to make to keep her job when Jason comes home and we move again. Hehe.

18. Ok, off to start my day. It's a busy one! Hope everyone has a terrific week!

1 comment:

  1. We are so proud of Jason. He has worked so hard, hopefully he will pick up sgt. soon.

    The photo shoot turned out awesome. It doesn't hurt that you have an amazing assistant/posing technician :)

    Kojak will be fine. I hope. And if he isn't I will just ship him down to the Lake.

    I hope you guys have fun, we will miss you.

    Oh. Yes, you are getting old. But still not as old as Matt.
