
To My Darling Sister

Ashwee, today you are 24. I can't believe we've grown up so fast. We've been through alot together, and I've always taken comfort in the fact that I've had you right by my side through thick and thin, highs and lows, to call me out when I needed it, encourage me when I was down, hold me up when I couldn't stand, and celebrate life's joys. I am so blessed to have my best friends as my family. Family is so important, and we have the best. I am a pretty lucky big sister to have you and Alaina as my little sissies.

You have become a beautiful young woman, and a wonderful Mommy and wife. I am so proud of you. You have taken me in at one of the hardest times of my life without a second thought. You have such a big heart, and you have never, ever hesitated to help your loved ones whenever we've needed it. I love you so much, and I wish you a very Happy Birthday.


  1. so beautifully said! she's pretty darn incredible!

  2. I'm very grateful that God has blessed our family with all three of you girls. You truly do love each other, and that was our hope for you. Very well written.
    Love you

  3. That is so sweet! You girls are great!

    BTW-Oakley isn't shedding that bad....I'm used to cat hair though, so maybe it is and I don't know it?:). We are waiting til it get's a little warmer and we are going to have him shaved. His hair is so thick. He's growing soooo fast!
