
End Of The Week Recap

1. Alaina and I took Kojak to the vet for his post-op check Wednesday. He hadn't been feeling well and he had been kinda pukey, so they also took his temperature. He isn't sick, and he is healing well. He remembered the vet from the last visit and since the last visit hurt, he was super anxious. When the picked him up and put him on the table, he peed a little, lol. Poor baby was so nervous. He also got started on heart worm prevention and flea prevention. Fun, fun. Better to prevent now than to treat later. I'm quoting the vet.

2. Our Pampered Chef party went very well Tuesday. We had the California Club Pizza, it has a guacamole type topping. It was a big hit, even with Laura's 6 year old daughter. I will have to post the recipe if anyone is interested! My hostess benefits earned me about 180 dollars worth of stuff for about 90. That made me happy!

3. I got my hair done last week. I went lighter. She did a root lifter and then major high lighting. It's very blonde, and I like it:)

4. Jason sent me recent pictures. Finally! He also sent me some work out pictures. He's getting big. Really big. I'm going to have to step it up. I've lost 22 lbs. as of this morning, but I still have a ways to go.

5. Laura brought Allyson to the Pampered Chef party Wednesday. She was a big help with the preparation, and she kept Alaina occupied too;o)

6. I am such a sucker for dog toys. We went for a check up and he came home with 3 new toys. I guess I need to get him a basket and teach him to pick up after himself. His brother, T-beau (my aunt's dog) has learned how to, so it is possible!

7. I'm proud of Kojak, he now knows sit, lay down, stand, drop it, leave it, wait, and is getting better and better at heel, no jumping, and come. Shake just isn't in his vocabulary for some reason. We'll get it sometime.

8. We have just discovered that the YMCA offers free membership for "relocated spouses" of deployed military members. I'm excited!

9. I have pink eye. Joy. I am so tired of wearing glasses and no eye make up. If you know me, you know that for me not to wear eye make up is killing me. Even when I go to the gym, I at least have to have mascara on.

10. My grandmother's birthday dinner is tonight. She isn't very keen on driving after dark, so I am going to get her and drop her off. It is her birthday after all.

11. What do you get a woman who has everything for her birthday. And what she doesn't have, she goes and gets herself. Ashley and I decided that we will just take her out for lunch this week.

12. I am loving the sunshine, but the wind the past two days is killing it for me. Then there is talk of a high of only 49 on Tuesday. Poo. That's NC for ya! I'm ready for sunshine, tan lines, flip flops, and days by the pool! Not to mention fresh fruit and veggies. That totally makes staying on a diet easier. Does anyone else notice how much easier diets are in the summer time?

13. Alaina had her homeschool group talent show on Thursday. She sang twice, and I was so proud of her, I could burst. She is growing into a beautiful young lady right before our eyes.

14. Mom is done with jury duty, and we are all so glad to have her back home. You sometimes don't realize how much someone does until they aren't present for a few days! She is exhausted from iron deficient anemia again, and had another transfusion on top of jury duty this week. If you don't mind saying a prayer for her quick recovery, we would all really appreciate it!

15. Dad and Austin came down with nasty colds/flus this week. Ashley had/has a little touch of it. While the guys are on the mend, Ashley is still fighting it. Mainly with an icky cough. We're hoping it clears out for good after this round.

16. Well, that is a wrap up of our week. Next week is looking to be a little slower. And I'm welcoming that with open arms!


  1. Dare I say it? I'm hoping for a MUCCCHHH slower week, too. I've got to get Alaina's dress made this week. That's all I'm committing to.
    Thank you, thank you, thank you, again. You all saved me this week. After the infusion, I'm very glad to be done with it all, and pray the levels will stay put this time. Probably wishful thinking.
    Love you,

  2. Congrats on the weight loss! Love your hair color. Hope your pink eye gets better soon! and glad Kojak is doing well, Oakley is too, they are such smart dogs:)

  3. BTW-my neighbor told me about this website....www.entirelypets.com. You save about $20-$40 ordering heartworm and flea prevention from them.
