
My early...and very appreciated...birthday present

Saturday, Jason and our brother in law, Matt, went out for the afternoon. Knowing that I was a little sad that I wasn't a mother yet this year, he thought the best way to make me feel included was to go ahead and give me my birthday present (a month early...lol). I got a new (drumroll please)...laptop!!! Knowing that we're facing another deployment, and the computer being our main source of communication, he got me a very nice upgrade, and it's red:) It has a built in web cam for our video conferences and of course, Matt being a computer genius, uploaded it with all the bells and whistles. I must admit...I've spent quite a bit of time on it today. We are getting acquainted.


  1. Oooohhhh.....Aaahhhhhh...you are blessed!

  2. It was a very nice gift! I like that it's red like Daddy's.
    Love you,

  3. aaaaah....very nice!! pretty colour too! I hope you have success with becoming a mommy soon! :) When does Jason leave again? :( I'm sad to hear that he has to go away again.

  4. NICE! Tell Jason Memorial Day is coming up and I like pink :oD ha! That's a gift giving holiday right?!

    I know you Mom was thrilled to see you this past weekend! What a great surprise!! You looked beautiful as usual.

    Hope you have a great weekend! I love you and miss you!!
