
Oh what a sense of dread

As I sit here at 5:30 Monday morning, all I can think about is my dreaded dentist appointment tomorrow morning. I hate the dentist. I could go to the doctor everyday and I'd be fine, but the dentist gives me extreme anxiety. You'd think this was silly, considering I had braces for 3 1/2 years. Once I got on my own and off my parents insurance, it was 7 years before I went back to the dentist. Bad, I know. BUT, I didn't have a single cavity or any problems when I finally went for a cleaning last April. They changed the way the clean your teeth since 7 years ago, they use some high powered buffer thing, and wouldn't ya know, it chipped a dang tooth. Thank goodness it wasn't enough to tell, but they are definately not coming within 10 feet of me with that thing tomorrow. So, now it's time to go again:( And, this time, I'm more than likely going to get the news that I have to have my wisdom teeth pulled...EEEEK! Not something I want to do....AT ALL! My "wonderful" orthodontist told me years ago that I wouldn't have to have them pulled (all part of his scheme to have me back in braces one day and another several grand in his pocket). Last time I had a cleaning, I was living back home while Jason was deployed and Momma went with me, tomorrow I have to go by myself...Oh how I wish it was all over!


  1. I know what you mean...when you are a big girl they don't give you suckers for not crying anymore either...
    but I'll tell you like your momma always did...
    be a big girl, don't cry, and we'll get ice cream afterwards!

  2. I get anxious over the dentist, too. With VERY good reason. I had a bicycle accident when I was eight. My front teeth had just come in, and I fell, knocking them back out. I had root canals that lasted for weeks, caps, reconstruction. Yep, it's not fun!

  3. I too, don't enjoy the dentist!!


  4. If I were there, I'd go with you! :o)
    Love you,

  5. I love going to the dentist....the feeling of sparkly clean teeth when you get all done is....AWESOME! I went to school for dental assisting and I know all the tools and procedures so that helps....ask them questions if you are full of anxiety.....it will help you. The unknown is usually what makes people anxious.

  6. I'm the opposite of you. I love the dentist, but can't stand the doctor. I had braces, I loved my orthodontist. I had my wisdom teeth pulled many, many, many years ago and it wasn't too bad.

    I'll be thinking about you tomorrow. Let us know how it goes.

    P.S. Whitney always wants me to go to the doctor, dentist, ortho, etc. with her. I love it and go whenever I'm able to - just like your mom.
