
It's All Good

It's all good...news from the doctor! Remember a few posts back, feeling like a pincushion after the doctor's visit? Well, she called me last night...herself (which impressed me), and wanted to tell me my results. First I had a hemoglobin A1C test, which is just an average of my blood glucose for the past 3 months. I was expecting it to be bad with the crazy few months I've had, but it was a 7.3! What that means is my average blood sugar is 183. Not exactly where it needs to be, but close! Very close! My target range is 100-150. I've been told that in the past, to get pregnant, that they like the A1C to be at least a 7. This is much better than levels I've had in the past. So, I'm pretty happy with this level. She also ran blood tests on my internal organs (it amazes me they can see so much from blood tests) to see the effects of being diabetic for 13 years. There are NO signs of diabetes taking any toll on my liver or kidneys, and she said everything looked excellent! That is pretty awesome!

So, I have my first high risk Ob-Gyn appointment next week, and I'm starting with a workable A1C, we're getting close to being in the shape I want to be in for babies! Yay!


  1. That is wonderful news. It is always nice and amazing when the dr themselves call the patient. I am still praying for you and Jason to get pregnant soon and without complications. My husband just told me our neighbors/friends are pregnant again. This is her 3rd pregnancy. She was pregnant when I was and was a month behind me. She ended up losing the baby. Apparently there is something that her body rejects the baby at 6-8 weeks. So I am sure they are watching her like a hawk right now. Anyways Sorry I went off in a ramble.
    Good Luck in your exciting venture to become parents, and remember HAVE FUN!

  2. Congratulations! I'm so excited for you!

  3. That is absolutely amazing news!!!

    GOOD LUCK with your OB appointment and we can't wait to hear the official NEWS!!!!

  4. So good to hear your news, Christie:) I'll keep you in my prayers!

  5. Such great news! I sure hope you can get pregnant in a short amount of time (have fun while trying too)! I am so glad that you are taking us along on this ride with you!

  6. I am so excited for you, Christie! Praise God!!

  7. I'm amazed at God's hand in this, hon. I don't know why, but knowing first hand how hard to control your diabetes was in your teens with the hormonal ups and downs, there's no damage! I'm praising God right now!!

  8. I'm still praying and I'm glad you got a good report!

    Talk to you soon!

  9. That is so wonderful to hear! I love hearing good news, especially when it pertains to health and babies. I will keep you in my prayers and let us know, please, when you hear more from your OB.

  10. HIP! HIP! HOORAY!! I'm so excited to hear your news!!

  11. first of all I love your new fall leaves falling over your blog...and second and most important... I am so excited for you that you can now start to prepare and try to get pregnant... I will by praying for you that it won't take too long and everything will go well for you with your diabetes...I can remember how exciting it was to look forward to becoming pregnant...GOOD LUCK!!!
    and stay healthy....

  12. What a joy to hear your good news!! I'm with frazzled farm wife... have fun tryin!! ;-)

  13. Praise God!!!! I can totally hear your excitement in your writing. It's so good to hear the great news!

  14. exciting times await you, dearie! how wonderful (((hug)))

    love your new blog look. big. time.

    thank you for the thoughtful sentiment and compliment on my blog - you're so sweet. <><

  15. Congratulations! That is great news!
    Good luck with with the getting pregnant.
    I know you guys would be great parents.Thinking of you and praying for you.
