
What a week!

Well, this past week has been a blur! Not at all as planned, but still busy! The yard sale was canceled due to rain, but at least we will be a little more prepared for the rain date yard sale! I was at the doctor's twice this week due to some minor health issues, and will probably be back for another visit if they can fit me in tomorrow! Nothing major, as of yet, but if you feel led, just maybe say a quick prayer that it won't be anything major. I'll spare you the details, but I just haven't felt well.

My friend, Laura, and her family, came in as scheduled, late Thursday night, and I spent most of the day Friday and Saturday with them. Laura's husband is looking for a position with an EMS department in NC, so they came down to scope out the area a little more. Hopefully they will find something quickly, so they can get to moving! Their hometown is slowly becoming a place where it will be difficult to provide for a family, and they love NC, so naturally, they are trying to get down here. Plus, it will make me happy to have her close by again. It's been way too many years since we've seen each other. But, really, it's like those years didn't matter at all. We were able to pick right back up. I got to meet her youngest daughter for the first time, she is 2, and I got to see her oldest daughter again, who is now 4, she was a baby last time I saw them! Laura and I have definately been through some times where we had to help each other to continue to stand, and we'll always be close because of it. Her oldest daughter has now proclaimed that I am her new best friend, and the whole weekend, I had to hold her hand everywhere we went, sit with her at the restaraunts, watch her new learned tricks in the pool, ride in the back of the car with her, and all of which, of course, I didn't mind:) She is a cutie patootie!

I ended the week/weekend with a wonderful church service this morning. I made myself go, even though I think the devil was trying to keep me home by using my recurring health "issues". I did go, I was blessed, and now I'm home resting, hoping to feel better, but if not, I have a wonderful new doctor, and I will be buzzing her in the morning. Enjoy your Sunday evening, my wonderful ladies. It's good to be back, and if I haven't already visited your blogs, I will be by soon!


  1. So good to hear from you. Sounds like you had a lovely time with your friend. I pray you start feeling better, and that everything is okay.

  2. Welcome back, we missed you! I will be happy to keep you in my prayers. I'm glad you had such a great time with your friend, Laura! Oh, I wanted to tell you that today we had some family meet at our house and then we all went out for lunch. I had about 20 mintues to whip up a quick dessert for later and I immediately thought of your yummy cookies! I just love that recipe so thank you again for sharing it!

  3. Christie Belle,
    I'm so glad that you are back, and that you had a wonderful weekend with your friend. Rest up. I do hope that you feel well soon!

  4. I sure hope you feel better soon. Let's get to the bottom of this and take care of it! We need you at full speed. God bless!

  5. I'm so glad you're back!! Sorry to hear that you haven't been well, and I sure will pray for you, that you'll be back to 100% too!! I'm glad you made it to church. I think you're right, the devil will try to keep us from going, that is for sure. Sounds like a fun weekend with your friend!! :-)

    Thanks so much for visiting and leaving me such a sweet comment, and wishing my little boy a happy birthday, too!! :-)

  6. Glad that you are back. So happy that you had a great time with your friend.

  7. I am so sorry you are not feeling well. I will be praying that all things turn out to be something simple that can be fixed very quickly. I do hope things are better soon. May
    God bless you, connie from Texas

  8. Nice to have you back! It's great to have a friend like you do, someone with whom you can just pick up where you left off. I hope your friends get to move close to you. Long time friends are just the best.

    Love the music on your site, by the way. Feel better!

  9. hey baby i hope you get to feeling better soon i hate when your sick and feeling bad. i wish i was home to take care of you i love you so much

  10. I was so happy to see a new post!

    I am glad you got to visit with your friend and her children :) The little girl sounds like Laura Grace-she is always making new "best friends" LOL.

    I hope you feel better soon and get some answers at the dr!

  11. Hey Christie,
    Sounds like a fun weekend!

    I hope you are feeling better now!

    Have a blessed day.

  12. Welcome back. I've missed your posts.

    I will pray for better health for you.
    I hope you feel better soon.

    Hugs, Lori

  13. yay!! you're back! Sounds like you had a really busy week..too bad you weren't able to do the garage sale... oh well another time.
    I hope you get some answers with your dr. Also that you'll perk up and be well again real soon!!
    By the way, if I haven't already told you....thank you for the bd greetings for Janelle... we'll be doing her party this friday, so I'll post pics then. take care my friend!

  14. Hope all is well! My daughter was able to check out your site and it made her cry. Much love and prayer once again to you.

  15. Glad that you are back. I've missed your posts!! I will be praying for your health to be back to 100%. I'm glad you and your friend had such a great visit. Wouldn't that be great to have her close again!!

  16. So glad you're back. I hope you're feeling better soon!

  17. Welcome back! I hope you feel much better soon.

  18. It was so good to get caught up with you! I just said a prayer for your health...
    And so glad you had a nice visit with your good friend whom you hadn't seen in awhile!
    Too bad about the yard sale, though!
    Have a good week....God bless!

  19. poor thing! I hope you are feeling better in a jiffy. If there's anything I can do, just holler!

    Sounds like you've had a busy busy week :o)
    And Laura's daughter sure did pick a good best friend!

  20. It's good to see you back. Sounds like you had a wonderful visit with your friend and her family ~ I bet you make a great best friend to a four-year old and her mom! :o)

    Take care of yourself. I'll be praying for you.
