
What a mighty, mighty good man!

Oh, how surprised I was today. My sweet and thoughtful husband sent me two dozen roses. This just made my day, no, made my week! He knew I'd been feeling bad and a little down lately, and he knew just how to put a smile on my face, even though he's not here right now. I am so blessed that I have such a good man. I LOVE YOU, HONEY!!!


  1. Those are so beautiful! What a thoughtful, wonderful husband. I can't wait until he is back at home with you!! I hope this pick-me-up stays with you and you feel better!!

  2. Jason's such a precious guy! The roses are beautiful :o) I hope you are feeling better!

  3. Christie, how sweet!!!

    When my husband was deployed 2 years ago, receiving anything from him always made my day too!

    I did say a prayer tonight for both you and "your hero" as I understand how hard it is, missing each other when our husband's military service separates us for a time.

  4. You've got a good man Christie!
    oh - I found the picture you posted of your bracelet... it's pretty! what a thoughtful gift from him... show's his concern for you. :o)

  5. hey baby i glad you like your rose's, they are pretty and you can use the red vase in your red kitchen :) i love you so much! smooooooooooch

  6. Oh, Christie... the roses are simply gorgeous. Who WOULDN'T feel better with getting two dozens of them? :)
    You are truly blessed with such a wonderful husband!

  7. What a thoughtful husband! My grandma received roses from Pro Flowers too. They are gorgeous!

  8. They are so beautiful! How sweet!

  9. They are beautiful. What a very thoughtful husband.
    I hope you are feeling better!
    Blessings and hugs,

  10. The roses are so beautiful, and how sweet that he even thought of how the vase would go with your decorating scheme!! :-) That is just wonderful!!!

  11. So sweet! and what beautiful roses! :o)

  12. What a great guy. So thoughtful. Flowers are the best!

  13. Awwhhh....you two make me teary eyed. The love you have for each other is so wonderful.

  14. That is so sweet, what a lucky gal you are and what a thoughtful husband!

  15. That is so sweet! I hope you are feeling better!


  16. I love those flowers. They are absolutely beautiful.

    That would've made my day too.
    He is so thoughtful.

    I hope you are feeling better.

  17. They ARE gorgeous, Jason! They smell pretty wonderful, too!

  18. What beautiful roses!!! Such a sweet husband you have!

  19. very thoughtful, loving husband. I know you feel very blest. connie from texas

  20. just wanted to tell you "I LOVE YOU" and I hope your week has gotten 120% better :o)

  21. The cost of a good man? Priceless!
    Good for you!

    You asked about my daughter being home for a visit recently...

    No, the one that looked at your blog is 22 and living back home for now. She lived in TX for 3 years, but moved home to be closer to her boyfriend who is in Chicago going to school. That is about 2-3 hours from where we are in Michigan. Our oldest daughter is married and living in TX. Our youngest daughter is 18 and just moved out this week. Alicia, who looked at your blog does not have a blog. She is in this long distance relationship and so her heart goes out to you big time.

    Lindsey, my oldest has a blog. http://www.lindseyjoybells.blogspot.com/

  22. That is so sweet of your Hubby! And he is probably right...you could reuse that vase. Never let anything go to waste! :)

  23. Oh, that is so sweet! I know you feel so incredibly blessed to have the husband that you have. We will continue to pray for his safe return. I also pray that you keep the joy of the Lord in your heart and that it will fill these days of waiting.

  24. Ahhh.....How sweet!! I know you miss him sooo much!
