
My Family Members, Part 5

Today is about my sweetest nephew, Austin. This one may not be quite as long as we've only had him with us for 2 years!

The cutie pie wearing Uncle Jason's military cover:
1. At only 2 years old, Austin can sense when you are sad, he will run up, tilt his head and that means he's trying to give you a kiss.
2. He is all boy, and you know that makes my dad happy after 3 girls! He loves being loud, rowdy, and he has one speed...fast!
3. He has brought so many smiles and so much laughter to our family. Nothing like a baby/child can bring so many smiles to so many people.
4. He's a fighter, when he was born with a collapsed lung and sent to a children's hospital, he fought his way through and as you can tell from the picture, is a very healthy 2 year old.
5. He is so smart. He can not only tell you the basic "where is your mouth, nose, etc. He can tell you where his teeth, hair, neck, toes, fingernails, etc. are.
6. He loves his family, but especially loves his guy time with Daddy and Papa (my dad).
7. He can spot a toy car or truck from a mile away, and will start making the "vroom vroom" noises before you even know there is a car in sight.
8. He and Alaina have such a good relationship, I really think he thinks of her more like a sister and he knows what he can do to get on her nerves, it's really quite funny.
9. He is the pickiest eater I've ever met, he doesn't even like cake, spaghetti, or pizza! I guess he takes after me on the spaghetti thing (let's just say that it didn't stay down!).
10. He is a very organized 2 year old. He will take the 50 million matchbox cars that he owns and line them all up, side by side, row by row. Ashley picks that he was bound to be a perfectionist between his Dad, Papa, and Aunt Teetee:)
11. He is sweet to animals. Most of the time, granted he is still a boy and is 2...but, most of the time, he will pet and love on anything furry, and will let Alaina's indoor dog jump all over him and he will just laugh at him.
12. Austin has brought alot of joy to my grandfather that is sick, and when nobody else can make him smile, Austin can. Anytime he knows Austin is over visiting, he will call or attempt to walk over (he lives next door).
13. He is so inquisitive, and picks up on most things instantly.
14. Being a rambunctious toddler, he is not cuddly often, but when he is in the mood, he gives the best little hugs ever.
15. He is our unexpected miracle and we all love this little boy so much! I couldn't imagine life without him, and I am so proud of this little fella!

Well, this list ended up being longer than I thought! Ashley, you are so blessed with Austin, and we all feel blessed that God has entrusted him to our family.


  1. Oh, this is so sweet!
    I'm just now catching up with your family member tributes (I got a little behind!) and I just am blessed by reading each of them!
    You are all so incredibly blessed to have each other!

  2. And one more thing, his aunt Christie Belle loves him very much. I can tell by how you write about him. He is sure a cute little one. connie from Texas

  3. What a cutie-pie!! It sounds like being together is a LOT of fun!!

  4. Yes, I am truly blessed, he is my sweet lil man. I love him so very much! Oh, he kissed your picture this morning, when he got up, not once but twice, one for you and one for Uncle Jason.

  5. He's just a gift from God.
    I love him too :o)

  6. What a lovely family you have. He does sound wonderful. You certainly did have a great idea writing about your family. What a wonderful gift you have given them.

  7. What a sweetie he appears to be. I'd love to plant a big kiss on those precious little cheeks!

  8. Oh, he is absolutely adorable!! I loved when my 2 sons were this age so much. I remember them lining up their Matchbox cars, too. So Cute!! I can tell you love him so much!!

  9. What a fun idea to post about your family members - and fun to read!
    I hope you don't mind me stopping by :)

  10. What a sweet, cute little guy he is.
    He sounds so smart already.
    I think that kids are just wonderful and amazing.
    You are all blessed to have him and each other.

  11. That boy sure is loved!

    Hey, I hear there is a slide show in the making somewhere in your family too. Can't wait to see it. I think it is going on your mom's blog. But I understand it was a family affair.

  12. OH, he is the sweetest thing!!! I am really enjoying these special posts about your family!

  13. I have a nephew that when I was your age my nephew was about the same age Austin is now.... we did alot together. I lived in their basement suite, so I'd go and get him up some mornings and bring him downstairs... I loved it we became very close... When my sister in law and I went out together with him, people would always look at me and ask questions about him... they always thought he was mine...it drove my sister in law crazy..well not totally i guess but I think it did kinda bug her..anyway...he is now 20!! I can hardly believe that!

    Austin sounds like a real little sweetie pie!!! I'm glad you have such a wonderful little surprise for your family!
    take care

  14. He is a cutie! Love the picture.

  15. Have I mentioned I love the series of posts you made about your family?
    And this picture is soooooooo adorable! Austin looks as though he's going to be a great tree-climber and treasure-hunter when his time comes. :)

  16. What a precious boy he sounds like. And too cute for words.

  17. He is super cute.
    Give him a big hug from Candy next time :)
