
My Family Members, Part 2

Today is about my dearest Daddy. In no particular order, just as they come to mind...
Me and Daddy in the NC mountains:
1. He has always been the head of our household, leading his children (by teaching and by example) to God.
2. He has worked very hard my whole life so that he could provide for our family and so that my mom could stay at home with us, even when that meant working loooong hours and weekends and business trips that took him away from home.
3. My dad has the best sense of humor! He can make anyone smile, even when they don't want to.
4. He has the ability to talk to anyone and make them instantly feel comfortable around him.
5. He still takes all three of his girls on Daddy/Daughter dates!
6. We share the love of good movies, we have very similar taste when it comes to movies...well, not all the chick flicks though.
7. Even when he may be tired, he will still give his "girls" a shoulder rub.
8. He taught me how to throw a football and a baseball (basketball didn't go so well), how to water ski and kneeboard, to stand up for myself, how to drive a boat and a car, and he taught me through example what I wanted in a husband.
9. In our family, he is the fix it man, the build it yourself man, the gardner/landscaper, the bug squasher, and the critter catcher.
10. He loves God. No matter how many hours he's worked in a week, he gets up faithfully every Sunday to go to church and to take his family to church. He is such a wonderful example of a God fearing and obeying husband and father. He is the one who baptized me at age 8. What a wonderful, special memory for me.
11. He leads us in prayer every time we sit to eat.
12. His 3 daughters had him wrapped around our tiny fingers from the day we were born, but he always stood strong as the head of the house, and disciplined when needed. He's never ashamed to show his love or emotion when it comes to his family. He loves his family and it shows to the world.
13. A disappointed look from my father will make me cry quicker than anything, when I was younger, if I acted up, all it took was a look for me to get upset.
14. My daddy has been the one man who has and always will be a constant in my life. He would drop everything if I needed him, he and my mom have done this several times to make the 4 hour trip to where I live, in a time of need.
15. He still hugs, kisses, and tells my mom he loves her everytime he leaves the house and when he gets home at the end of the day, us girls too, when we're home. He gives the best bear hugs.
16. We have the best talks, we cut up, talk about serious things, talk about silly things, but no matter what it is, he listens. (You have to be when you've lived with 4 women!)
17. Even when he has a full load at work and at home, he still helps out my grandparents, his mom and my mom's dad and mom.
18. He also loves Jason like he is his own son.
19. He makes the best Saturday morning breakfasts!

I have a father who is very dear to my heart. I know he will read this, so I love you Daddy!


  1. Ohhh, that was SO SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    So sweet.
    (tears in my eyes now)

    ps... my Dad baptised me too! :)

  2. That was so beautiful and I am sure you Dad was very happy and proud to read it. God bless you and your parents. connie from Texas

  3. Thank you for sharing this, it was so special!.. You guys are a fortunate family! As someone who grew up without a father, I always felt something was missing in my life. Now I pray to God to send me a good husband who will be a loving father to my children, and perhaps someday they will say something like this about him!!

  4. What a very sweet and touching post. How wonderful to have grown up in Christian family. My dad also taught me to water ski and knee board. I haven't done it in ages!

  5. Your dad sounds like a wonderful man!! What a blessing to you and your family :)

    I LOVE that he still takes you on Daddy/Daughter dates. Laura Grace and Clay have done that since she was born and she loves their time together.

  6. Christie,
    Another beautiful tribute. You have a gift for seeing the good in everyone and everything about you!

  7. Christie, I loved this tribute to your dad. What a great person he is too. You are blessed with wonderful parents.

    I love that photo in the background. It makes me want to take a trip there and see all that beautiful scenery.

  8. So very sweet, Christie Belle! Your father sounds like such a godly example of being a dad...and a dad to daughters (which we have). I hope our daughters will say similar things about their daddy some day!
    I'm sure he is SO proud of the woman you've become!

  9. That ... is another legacy.

  10. Your parents are so blessed to have a daughter who didn't believe "Honor thy father and mother" was just a suggestion! I know that you are such a blessing to them,it's obivous by your writings.

  11. I loved reading these posts about your parents. I know they have to be so proud of you as well! I got all teary! Sniff...sniff. :)

  12. I'm a little late reading, but this made me cry, too. I lost my Daddy 5 1/2 years ago and I miss him every day. How lucky you are to have a wonderful father.

    Happy Easter to you!


  13. I've said it before, and I'll say it again....you couldn't have had a better daddy!
    I have been blessed to observe you girls grow up with him, and the gentle way he's always treated us all.
    I love him so.....

  14. What an amazing tribute to your Daddy!! Both posts about your parents brought tears to my eyes. Loving parents like yours (and mine too) are such a blessing!!

    Happy Easter!! :-)

  15. Oh what a wonderful daddy he is, and a fantastic papa. We all love him so much!

  16. you can't forget about the great grilled cheese sandwiches he makes :) and you for got to say he doesn't like heights lol i love working with him in the shop i always learn new things which i like like how to put up queens molding :) and re-molde bathrooms and things like that love you daddy see you in a few months love you babe
