
Let us not forget...

I am so proud of every single one of our troops that are serving, have served or will serve. God bless them all.

***You will have to pause my music player to listen to the music in this video.***


  1. I will never forget, the men fighting for our freedom, are so easily forgotten. That makes me sad. I love them all for the sacrifices they make. I have seen up close the pain and suffering they go through for us to be free.

  2. That video brought tears to my eyes. That was very touching.
    I agree God bless them all and keep them safe.

  3. Ohhhhhhhhhhh. Lots of tears are flowing here. First, I LOVE the Shedaisy song. Always have. Autumn and I are looking at your blog together, and she commented, "Wow, that song never made me emotional before." But knowing that your husband is in Iraq DID make her emotional. THEN, we watched the video. THANK YOU< THANK YOU< THANK YOU for sharing this with us. Tears were streaming down our faces, but it is such a wonderful reminder of all that our servicemen are doing for our freedom.

    JASON, I know that you read Christie's blog. We ARE proud of you. Not just because of this video. When I first started corresponding with Karen, I told her how proud I was that you were serving our nation. You are doing a wonderful thing for all of those that you love, and we are praying daily for your safe return, and for Christie while you are gone. May the LORD bless all of your efforts and bring you home for a beautiful reunion with your wife and family!

  4. Thanks for sharing. A very good reminder.

  5. This is so sad, and so true. We do tend to forget them. The sacrifices are so great. We should be lifting them up in prayers every single day.
    I love you, Jason.

  6. I'm a little behind in reading, but I am thankful for all the brave men and women as well. I will try to watch the video tomorrow.

    Also, I can't wait to read your recipe swap! I love to try new things.

    I continue to pray for you and your hubby.

  7. I am so grateful for the men and women who are fighting over in the middle east so that we can be safe and free here in the U.S. Thank you Jason for risking your life. Thank you Christie for the sacrifice you, too, make. Every soldier should be treated as the hero he or she is. May God bless you, keep you, and bring you home soon.

  8. What a wonderful post, thank you for the reminder.

  9. Awwww..*sniff* God bless all of our troops. I pray for you to be safely reunited with your hubby soon!Many blessings to both of you!! :-]]

  10. Thank you for that, it brought tears to my eyes and was a much needed reminder.

  11. Thank you for sharing this with us, it was very touching. I pray for these brave soldiers every day.

  12. So beautiful...
    My husband served in the Navy for our first four years. But thinking of all our servicemen and women in Iraq especially, is so moving.
    I need to remember to pray for them all so much more often!
    Such a beautiful reminder...

  13. We do appreciate the sacrifices made by those on the battle fields
    and those at home who 'keep the home fires burning'.

    Praying Jason's safe return....
    God bless.

  14. Christie, you've been tagged.

  15. I really liked this video. It made me cry. Thanks for the reminder!
    Our family sent letters to soldiers in Iraq this fall. We also sent along little things like Bibles, and devotional tracts. My little brother Collin was the only one who got a letter back. He was so excited!

  16. This song always makes me cry, it brings back so many memories. They really are ALL heroes, like Ashley said I've seen the pain and suffering up close, too. God Bless you and your husband!!!!!

  17. "Sniff, sniff". . . Oh, how touching and such a wonderful reminder for us to remember the great sacrifices being made by so many for our country. I also wanted to tell you that I love your new blog look! We will all be "counting down" with you until Jason comes back home to you. Big hugs, Susan P.

  18. Hey Christie, thanks for your prayers for E. He got home safely from work and is now back out. Sixteen and loves to go. But the weather is clear now. I heard you were having a violent stretch of weather so I hope all is well with you by now too.

    Proud as can be of all our men and women serving all over the world. And very, very, very thankful for each one of those brave souls. And their loved ones who give them up for service. God bless!

  19. I want to say what everyone else has already said..
    And God bless Jason and you both

