
New Glasses

I've got new glasses! I love them. I was in 7th grade when I first got glasses, but quickly switched to contact lenses. You know how mean kids can be. I've had a backup pair of glasses just in case a contact ripped, but the prescription in them was old and they weren't the prettiest frames. Let me tell you, without contacts or glasses, I'm pretty close to being blind. If I try to read anything without them, the paper has to be right in front of my face. VERY nearsighted. I couldn't even tell you what my eye doctor looks like because when she came in, I didn't have my contacts in or glasses on!!!

Just a silly late night picture that I took to send to Jason so he could see what they looked like:


  1. i think you should start wearing glasses i think it makes you look super hot babe ;) i love and miss you sugar bear talk to you soon

  2. I love the glasses. Mac and Autumn both have the plastic frames, but wear contacts most of the time. I think they make you look very smart. (You have beautiful eyes, by the way!)

  3. Oooo I love them. And "super hot babe" well, that IS the opinion that counts. Go for it!

    I am far sighted. Cant' see a thing unless it is about 6 feet away. Even to read a book. I tried the one contact in the right eye and nothing in the left. Apparently your brain adjusts to this and one eye does distance while the other does close up. Amazing~! But I am back to glasses just because I do so much close work that it is more comfortable.

    But ... I need a new pair ... Hmmm.

  4. I LOVE these glasses, as you know!!! Everything else after these you tried on did not look right!
    Glad Mr. J likes your new look!

  5. They are so cute!! I also wear glasses/contacts, and it is hard to find glasses that look cute!

  6. I'm visiting your site off of your mom's. I hope you don't mind. I really enjoy your mom's site.

    Fun picture of you!

    I have the same blog background as you. Feel free to check out my site anytime.

  7. I love your new look. So pretty. You and Mom did a great job picking them out. They work with your face structure. And Jason thinks you are "super hot babe" that is just cute. Love you, see you in a bit

  8. Your new glasses are adorable! They look a little bit like my oldest daughter's glasses. I am like you in that I'm blind as a bat. I have to have my glasses on or contacts in to see anything! I used to wear my contacts all the time, but now that I'm older (ahem) it is much easier to read tiny stuff with my glasses on.

    I also wanted you to know that I woke up thinking about you and your husband and praying for you both this morning. I'm not sure why, but the Lord put you on my heart. I know about you from your Mom's blog and also since you left me a comment a while back. I am so proud of what your husband and his fellow soldiers are doing for our country. And I'm also proud that you're holding down the fort for him here at home.

    Hugs to you,

  9. Christie,
    You are really pretty!
    And very nice glasses!!!Its so hard for me to find glasses that suit me. So, I have to stick with my contacts for now. But, you have inspired me to keep looking :) because you look very ncie in them!

  10. You look so cute!

    I never had to wear glasses but lately I have that 40's thing where I have to read by putting my arm straight out in front of me! LOL So I have the opposite problem, and I have to get reading glasses soon! :)

  11. Very cute and very smart looking! I know what you mean about the old back-up pair of glasses. My husband had an "old pair" from the early 90's and they covered half his face, LOL. He finally got a new pair a few months ago!

  12. Thank you for all your sweet compliments!!! Much nicer than when I first got glasses and all the not so nice things that kids said!

  13. Christie Belle,

    Your glasses are very becoming!

    I read your email notification but it was deleted on the blog. I didn't do it, did you?

    Please come again......

  14. Christie Belle,

    Very becoming....I like them..

    Thanks for coming by. Come again....

  15. Those glasses are perfect for you! It is so hard to find the "right" ones but I think you found them! BTW, you have beautiful eyes to go along with your beautiful heart:)
