
He's crazy!

Just a quick story behind these pictures. This is a story from this past summer, we are stationed on the coast, so it makes for some good fishing. Problem...we started going fishing at this park on the river (salt water), murky water, and the first thing I see when we enter the park is a "Do Not Feed the Alligators" sign. Hmmm... I was not very comfortable with this. We proceeded on and went half way down this board walk looking thing where every so often is a little jut out to sit and fish. Well, on the day these pictures were taken, I did not go along. Thank goodness, I probably would have had a small panic attack. My husband threw out his line near a patch of brush. No sooner than it hit the water, a splash from the brush! Two little eyes, and hook, line, and sinker. No fish, yes..you got it, an alligator. And the hook was snagged in his mouth. So what does Jason do, he reels him in. He gets tangled on the edge of the water in some weeds, so Jason jumps in the water and picks him up, PICKS HIM UP!!! No, he wasn't that big, but still he is an alligator and he has teeth, LOTS of teeth. Here are some pictures of my husband and his alligator. He just may be the next Steve Irwin:( Now, I may be wrong, but this alligator does not look happy to me. I'm just glad Jason still has all his fingers. Oh, how I love this man. Crazy as he is.


  1. hey babe i never thought you do this one lol that was a fun day. i wish i could have kept him still. that would have been so cool. i love you and miss you so much
    danger danger danger

    p.s. i always get the eye teaser wrong the first time hehehehe

  2. Hey cool pictures... I've never seen wild alligators.. I think I may have seen one in a zoo once...
    this little guy looks kinda cute... I'm not so sure I'd be the one jumping in the water though!!! By the way Jason, if you're reading this I want to say thank you for what you are doing over there in Iraq, there are many here that are thankful..sometimes we hear the REAL news of some of the good stuff that happens over there and not always the propaganda that our main stream media feeds us... We're proud of you all!!Keep up the good work and God bless you and KEEP you!

  3. Oh my goodness, I'm having a panic attack just looking at the pictures! It's probably a good thing you weren't there with him! LOL Most men have "fish stories," but your husband can beat them all with this one;)

  4. I remember when you e-mailed those pictures to me. I could not believe it. He has no fear, does he.
    Love ya,

    Jason, I do, too. Some of them aren't very clear.

  5. So funny! My husband probably would have done the same thing, all the while using his best Steve Irwin accent. Men. Don't you love them? Mine is always good for a laugh! Right now he drives the kids (15,14,12,8) crazy. "He's so corny!" If they only knew what the alternative might be! I'm thankful for whom I have!

  6. Hey! We live in Florida and we have NEVER caught an alligator. Way to go Jason! If this military thing doesn't work out you may have a future in alligator wrestling.

  7. Too funny! Must be a guy thing. We took a field trip to an alligator farm and you can watch the alligators being hatched. I find the babies so cute, but I just don't like how big and scary looking they get.

  8. Funny stuff. I remember that phone call, you were so mad. I would have loved to have been there, I would have been cheering him on. Haha. You are right, that alligator looks a little mad.

  9. Ewww! I would've had a panic attack too.

  10. lol thats too funny and yeah, id probably have a panic attack too.

    still holding you both up in prayer.


  11. Oh my goodness, that *is* crazy! LOL I wouldn't know whether I would scream or just faint!
    Great pictures though!

  12. Now, that's a brave person....I don't care HOW small an alligator is...it's still an alligator!!

  13. I happened on your blog when reading another person's blog and have been enjoying reading it. I'm glad you ran into only a small alligator. Your husband was brave to pick him up. I spent my childhood in Florida, where all the ponds have signs about not swimming because of alligators. I only saw a wild one once, and he was full grown! He crawled up against my friend's basement during a hurricane. I hope that will end up being my one and only encounter with a real live alligator!
