
Happy Birthday to my littlest sissy, who isn't so little anymore! I can't believe that today you become a teenager! Jason and I love you so much, and I am so proud of the young lady you have become. Enjoy your day, sweetheart!



On his birthday

We miss you and love you so much.


Feeling A Bit Under The Weather

Chicken Broth & Vitamin C...check

Lots of Fluids...check

A nice calming autumn scent...check

A sick day activity...check
I see a nap in my near future...


Fall Decorations are UP!

Welcome Autumn!

My pretty punkin flag waving in the breeze:

Sweet little grapevine punkin:

Yummy smells of fall!

Cute fall leaf tealight holders:

Fall/Halloween theme candy for the candy dish:
TV Stand DecorationPunkins EVERYWHERE!
More Punkins and Leaves
A new fall hand towel for the kitchen
Yay for fall decoartions!

Now, hopefully Tropical Storm/Hurricane Hanna doesn't come blow all my pretty decorations away. We're praying for a mild storm with no damage, and that the other storms will disappear!


We're Gettin' Closer

Yep, we officially have only 20 days until Fall is here. I'm already feeling the cool in the air in the evenings. Even down at the coast. I'm loving it. Tomorrow is a day for decorating. If I can find all my punkins, leaves, fall smelling candles, and wreaths. Maybe I'll put my sweet hubby on that tonight. Pictures to come...